And now…...
Today is the day that we leave on a jet plane, not knowing when exactly that we will be back again.
I wrote a few weeks ago about how life is a bittersweet symphony, and it is true. I feel that keenly today.
My Facebook wall is filled with mixed messages…
“I don’t want you to pack” and “I miss you already”
“I can’t wait to hug your neck” and “I am counting down the days.”
And so the pages turn….
But carries on. It is not quantifiable; it cannot be measured by the color of your skin, the place you are born the language you speak, or the way you style your hair.
While America is the country of my passport , my accent, & my immediate heritage, Haiti is the country of my birth & my original “people” and South Africa is the country of my husband, my adult maturing, & some of my BIG TIME grace learning. So no matter what country I find myself in, there are people that I will miss and others that I will hug and have coffee with (figuratively since I don’t actually drink coffee). :) :)
So here’s the thing: When you truly love people, saying goodbye is NEVER easy.
And while tomorrow, I will hug my sister for the first time in 9 months (and I can’t wait), there are “sisters” (and brothers) here whose embraces I may not feel for just as long or longer and my heart truly feels that sorrow.
I will miss biltong and pepperdews and fresh avocado MOST of the year
I will miss no humidity basically year round.
I will miss the diversity of cultures and languages all in one place.
I will miss living in our God-given house.
But mostly I will miss the faces…..
…the faces of the children greeting me on Sunday mornings
…the faces of my disciples walking through the door of our house on Monday nights
…the faces of my leaders challenging me in the Word and laughing at LIFE
…the faces of “my boys” as I walked into the office every day, into the sanctuary they called the Wisdom Academy
...the faces of friends JUST happy to see MY face
...the faces of diversity & culture, of laughter & sorrow, of joys & fears….
So today, I say, “Goodbye, Rainbow Nation!”
But just for now…..
I will see you again soon!
You can count on that!

I always hate saying goodbye so I try to say see you later instead. It is so hard! I definitely miss avos, too! We had an avo tree in our backyard in SA. They are so expensive here!
Hey Guys, First of all, thanks for your comments on my posts:) I am joyfully anticipating your arrival, but bummed to not be able to pick you up at the airport. I will definitely be taking you up on that coffee offer, figuratively or not! I do drink coffee... We'll also stock up on the cocoa! God bless you guys... You're secure in His unmerited favor!
I think I can see a few tears falling as you write this blog. Love you!
I can feel your heart when I read this....know exactly what you are feeling. Never easy....But, fly on, my daughter, and continue to bless others by whom you are. I love you. Can't wait to hug your neck within the next week or so.
Thanks to ALL of you for your prayers and support! This is definitely an "interesting" AND scary season!!
wow these comments are a year old!! i do hope you have settled into life back here in the USA. Your story is so very interesting and I look forward to reading more (in the mmorning haha its late!)
I am grateful you stopped by my page......I hope you'll follow my blog as I will yours!!
Your writing is emotional........I cried within the first two linnes of this post , knowing exactly howww it is your feel at that time in your life.
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