Sometimes, there is so much LIFE happening that it is hard to decide which direction to go here with my posts. I like to write REAL life stuff but with a purpose and a meaning.
In the midst of everything, I have also found that making that real connection with the Father like I want to seems more of a challenge than it should be. Of course, this brings to mind, "How do I write REAL without Him?" Because nothing is really and truly REAL without Him.
And then....
Bonnie Gray's prompt @ Faith Barista about what Easter means to us this year challenged me....
On Sunday, as we were preparing to check out of our hotel in New York, and the television spouted off "news" {it never REALLY is new, right?}, I was reminded that it was Palm Sunday. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten. It has long been one of my favorite Sundays since childhood.
I love the image of Jesus riding in humble glory on a donkey being honored for WHO He is although the people didn't really understand that at the time. I have loved how the crowd cried, "Hosanna!" using palm branches, cloaks, and coats to pave the pathway that the King of Kings would ride through.
I guess I love this image so much because I know that the way the rest of the week unfolded for Jesus was hard. And really, it is never easy to think of the hard stuff, is it? The Last Supper, The Travail in the Garden, The Betrayal, The Accusations, The Denial, The Beating, The Thorns, The Nails, The Cross, The Spear.....those images are seared in my mind from images of Passion of the Christ as well as personal & church study.
I guess I love this image so much because I know that the way the rest of the week unfolded for Jesus was hard. And really, it is never easy to think of the hard stuff, is it? The Last Supper, The Travail in the Garden, The Betrayal, The Accusations, The Denial, The Beating, The Thorns, The Nails, The Cross, The Spear.....those images are seared in my mind from images of Passion of the Christ as well as personal & church study.
And yet....
I know....
Because I am reminded....
Without the cross, there is no substance for hope
Without the cross, there is no foundation of grace
Without the cross, there is no depth in love
And in the midst of the HARD things that I face, I don't always want to remember what and how Jesus suffered, not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, & especially spiritually in the excruciating separation from the Father. In essence, He truly experienced Hell, which is why he did it, so that we would never have to know that feeling of isolation from our Creator.
But today I was reminded again to face it....the HARD stuff....of what Jesus did for me, for us.
Measuring my life, my heart, myself in comparison to the cross causes me to feel -- UTTER FAIL!! Oh, how I fall so short!
So what does Easter mean to me?
His grace.
His redemption.
His love.
Even. when. I. fail. Him. and. fall. short. of. His. glory.
So I just wanted to say.....
Thank You!
{I received this picture below in an e-mail for Easter and I thought it said it well.....}

Hi Lindsey, its so humbling to realize what Jesus went through for us and how our society lives as though that man is in control. This Holy Week is so necessary for Christians to stop and keep our eyes on thank Him and praise Him! Have a Blessed Easter.
Grace and redemption. Beautiful! Happy Easter!!:)
Thanks, Noreen, for stopping by and for your kind words on what this week challenges us as Christians to remember!
Yes, Kelli! theme for last year and being One Word for this year....I think there is something HE wants to teach me that I am just too stubborn to get quickly....!! So glad for the NEW mercies each morning!
HI Lindsey,
I hope by now your cold is gone and you can enjoy the joy in celebrating Easter! It's hard to comprehend how Jesus was praised and welcomed on Palm Sunday and then in less than a week he was brutally mistreated and killed...and all for us! I hope you had a blessed Holy Week reflecting on Jesus' love and sacrifice and may you have a blessed Easter! Think you for showing your heartfelt and words of wisdom on NOBH! God bless!
A Blessed Easter! Yes His resurrection changed everything for us! I can't imagine life without Him by my side! Patsy from
Thanks! I did seem to be able to shake it by Easter weekend...thank the Lord!! Thanks for always stopping by and for your sweet words of encouragement!
@Hands to Work, Hearts to God Me too, Patsy! Me too! Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment!
Hi Lindsey, its so humbling to realize what Jesus went through for us and how our society lives as though that man is in control. This Holy Week is so necessary for Christians to stop and keep our eyes on thank Him and praise Him! Have a Blessed Easter.
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