I slowly creep in trying to look like I belong but feeling oh-so-out-of-place.
In the room.
In my own skin.
It has been a hard year for this resilient extrovert, and I am not feeling very brave tonight as I wade through the crowd trying hard to pretend I am really okay.
And suddenly, a voice pulls me out of my melancholy.
"Hi, Welcome to the (in)courage lounge."
She shows me the cupcake tower and we chat for a few minutes.
I try not to cry because she could never know how her little gesture changed my world.
Suddenly I was being welcomed home.
At the #FMFparty tonight, she said, "Extroverts get nervous too," and my heart knows this well. And I remembered how I felt walking into the (in)courage lounge at the Relevant {now Allume} blogging conference last year as a freshman blogger.
Thank you, Kristen Strong!
You changed the face of that weekend for me in just ONE moment!!
Join me for 5 Minute Friday where we write without worrying if it is JUST right or not...

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Oh, I love that! It's amazing what one moment of pure acceptance can do for someone. I'm introverted but my strong empathetic side hates to see people left out. I usually seem way more extroverted to new people because I always try to go out of my way to welcome people because I know how lame it is to be on the outside of the cupcake tower! So glad Kristen was that for you and now you can be that for the other newbies.
Yes! I guess I missed out on being an "official" volunteer but Kristen wasn't either...she just did it! So I will just do the same! And I like that about you that you go out of your way to make people comfortable!
I'm also an extrovert who is frequently daunted by those kinds of occasions... I love the way you describe how that one comment changed everything. I know those situations well - and that feeling of immense gratitude and being loved. Looking forward to getting to know you better through the Incourage group :-)
Too bad we didn't meet up in that lounge last year! I was all alone too. I love this...truly beautiful.
Hello, I'm dropping in from FMF. I really enjoyed reading this. I feel like it really speaks volumes that to "welcome" someone doesn't have to be this huge big thing, it can be something very simple, very real, very true, and that can make a difference in the world. :)
I love everything about this Lindsey. And you're so poetic. So blessed by you!
I love this...one genuine welcoming smile can speak sweet words right into a soul...oh how I long to be so welcoming. blessings to you~
Women, God's creation that know cupcakes are a tool to connect. Blessings!
Oh friend...how many times have you pulled this INFJ into feeling welcome. You give, give, give, and I'm so thankful someone made you realize what it feels like.
Praise the Lord for cupcakes...for towers of grace.
You are exquisite. :) I love this scene - this welcoming us to walk with you. I can relate to you dear - it is so funny-true how us social butterfly extroverts can meet such nervousness that we aren't used to experiencing, but that stops us in our tracks nonetheless.
I just adore your sweet persona Lindsey. Every week, I know I'm remembered and that feels greater than I can say.
And by the way, last night, I put you in my post. You're a cameo of thankfulness. :)
You know I think the difference between introverts and extroverts is that as extroverts we just hide behind our smile, but we can still hide and be nervous just the same!
You were my
"Kristen" at the first #FMFParty I attended - you are brilliant at
making everyone feel welcomed and special - in a sea of flying Twitter comments
you have an incredible ability to focus on the ones you know need a little
extra attention. Thank you for making me feel included :)
Oh, Lindsey, I know that feeling so well...the putting on the brave, I-belong face on. You describe it so well.
Oh my dear...what a love you are.
You are the one who shines Light and Love right back to this mess of a girl, and I am all the better for having met you. Can't wait to hug your neck in just a few weeks ~ it will be an Allume highlight for me!
So much love to you Lindsey...you are the *best* kind of gift!
Amen, Lindsey! Kristen did this exact thing for me at the (in)Courage twitter party Tuesday night. And you... you connect and draw in everyone! In 3 short weeks these words will have a voice that I will hear every time I read here.
Oh yes...it IS REALLY like that isn't it? Even though we love people...maybe BECAUSE we love people so much! Looking forward to getting to know you more too!!
Oh, Mary! That would have been lovely! Are you attending Allume this year?
It's so true, isn't it? I think we are unaware of the power of love that courses through our veins...that gives life to those around us because of how we ourselves have been loved by Love itself. I want to show that more...better.
You. are. such. a. blessing. I so love your heart that shines here in your words and so much during our Thursday nights together. I heart you big friend. :)
Yes, I'll be there.
Agreed. This is Lindsey, totally.
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