Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 Days of Story {Day 11} Airport Shooting {My FIRST Video-log AND Linky}

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Today is a MOMENTOUS occasion here at The Little Missionary Girl.

I have recorded my FIRST EVER vlog!
{that's bloggy speak for video log post for anyone who was wondering!}

This story was just too great to ONLY write. I had to give you my animated story-telling version.

I asked Arno if I sounded "funny" and he said that I have a bit of "video" voice! LOL! I suppose I do have my "public speaking" voice for sure. My communications degree is rubbing off a little, but a few extra "ums" to keep me humble!

I hope you enjoy this story!
It is TRULY a missionary kid story, so hit play and enjoy!

If you are reading from a reader or in your email, 
please click HERE to see the video!

I also want to welcome the ladies from (in) This Season over here today!
We are an (in)courage community doing life together in and out of the ministry or mission field!
Inviting them, and YOU, friend, to link up below with your story of faith or fear, doubt or hope, angst or love, change or habits, brokenness or renewal.
Whatever season you may be in, let's share this together!


Also joining Emily, Denise, & Michelle and their amazing communities.
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