The soulful melancholy.
Not for long anyway.
{Read part 1 of this story HERE}
I would push the little extrovert out from her covered shell.
For moments.
And there.
And it was fun.
Do not get me wrong.
But mostly I felt a little off my game
A little insecure.
A LOT weird.
Kinda overwhelmed.
Until Saturday morning.
When I woke up feeling a little more settled.
A little more like myself.
I reached out to a couple of people I had not bonded with yet that I really wanted to, and we had a group lunch gathering that was just a blessing.
Then I talked to The Nester.
And cried.
For no OBVIOUS reason.
I even laughed as I cried because I felt so silly.
But she was gracious.
And kind.
But that weird up and down feeling inside returned.
I stuck with my friend.
And we ended up in a room
with a couple of other ladies.
And this moment happened.
When one shared her brokenness
Her pain.
Her heartache.
And my spirit was quickened.
I knew that space.
That sorrow.
That desperation.
Jesus opened my mouth
And talked through my vocal chords.
And right there in the Hilton Harrisburg hotel room.
We wept together.
We prayed.
And cried for breakthrough.
And then we introduced ourselves.
And laughed.
Because I did not know her
And she did not know me.
But Jesus knew his girls.
He planned this moment.
He had prepared my heart all weekend to be PRESENT
Not because the other ladies could not have handled it.
They are amazing.
And pastors' wives to boot.
So they were all over it.
But because His plan
Was to use me.
I could not be the Life of the Party at Allume
AND the Girl Who Could Recognize The Darkness
All in the same weekend.
Not this time.
It was not His plan.
There are seasons of LOUD
And seasons of QUIET
The quiet is not so easy for the extrovert
So I had to be pressed into THAT moment
And forcibly accepted my assignment for the weekend
even though it was lonely
even later
When I found myself detached.
But then from that space.
I made two more heart connections, maybe even three, as the weekend progressed.
Right when I would feel sad and lonely and overwhelmed,
God would place me in the path of someone else
who needed that whispered attachment too.
I was coming full circle, back to the quiet little soul that had been birthed on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, back to the analytical calculations of this third-culture kid trying to understand the meaning of "belonging" and "time" and "goodbye", back to the deepest, truest, purest place where Jesus met this little missionary girl as salty breezes christened her tongue and mountain peaks eclipsed her vision, back where deep calls out to the fathomless deep, where my heart finds rest in a Secret Place called Home, in the shelter of His wings.
It was not the conference I planned in my subconscious little extroverted brain,
But it was the conference that HE planned.
Better than I could have imagined.
The past 31 days have been a journey in learning to tell my story.
It has been good.
And hard.
Some days I did not want to write.
A lot of days actually.
Sharing your story is vulnerable.
You give a piece of yourself away.
And it is scary.
What if no one reads?
What if no one cares?
What if I cannot do it justice with my written words?
But I wrote on anyway.
Because I knew that I must.
It was time.
I learned.
I grew.
I changed.
I am the better for it.
I hope you have enjoyed this journey with me. And if this is the first day that you are reading, I invite you to go back to the beginning and grow up along with me {quite literally actually!}.
This concludes 31 Days of Story.
But not the story itself.
Stay tuned.
With Jesus,
The best is ALWAYS yet to come.
You can bet the bank on that.

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