She's got issues......
When I saw the title of this DVD Bible curriculum, I knew it was for me.
Cause I know I have issues.
I'm not the only one, right?
So I thought, "Sign me up for this review!"
I wanted to learn myself how I could better combat all of those "little foxes" that quickly become Mount Vesuvius in my life before you know it.
When the DVD/book combo arrived, I quickly perused the topics :: control, insecurity, comparison, fear, anger, and unforgiveness. I then promptly decided which ones I THOUGHT I really needed to work on. Then God totally rocked my world by challenging me on all the opposite topics from my internal plan.
Basically, every lesson was important.
Every topic is a deal-breaker in how we connect to God and the world around when we do not allow the Lord to work it through our lives.
At first I was thrown off guard because I was not expecting REAL stories and a REAL small group experience RIGHT on the DVD. I was not sure how I felt about it at first and then Nicole Unice's words just consistently spoke truths near and dear to my heart. The women on the video were transparent and open about the hurdles they have and are dealing with in their own stories. It touches you deep. In addition, Nicole style is disarming at first, and then I realized she is a counselor and that is why. Her words and viewpoint launch from a heart to pour life into hurting women everywhere because it is what she has dedicated her life to for the past twenty-five years.
Also, as a woman who has led small groups for almost fifteen years, I love the layout of the curriculum :: testimony, time to journal/respond IN Bible study together{so no homework...yay!}, and a short fifteen minute focus on the Word to give us hope for the HOW we can apply HIS principles to our lives. Spanning eight weeks, this study is great for women who want to get real and delve into those pesky issues that plague us our whole lives...BUT this is a really great study to do at home alone...with the book OR with the DVD alone.
Want to learn a little more?
Check out this preview of Nicole and her girlfriends serving up REAL TIME talk as well as an interview with the author herself.
She's Got Issues DVD experience
Nicole Unice's interview with Women of God magazine
And then head on over to Nicole's page and buy the book, the DVD, or BOTH!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received She's Got Issues from Tyndale House Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."