Friday, January 25, 2013

Five Minute Friday :: Again {He is STILL God}

I have spent the last ten days off and on hearing the whirs and rhythms of the hospital cadence.

Granny fell and broke her neck.

It always sounds so dramatic and serious when I say it out like that. And I suppose it is. My analytical brain refused to focus on the severity and merely deals with each task at hand -- errands, work, sitting with Granny, supporting Mom, whatever was needed and fighting off the effects of the flu within my own body. Then two days ago, my heart caught up. I hit a wall. Emotionally. I had to stop.

I am still here, Lindsey.

That still small voice, reminding me again of His truths, His purpose, His plan.

I am still in control.

When I hit the end of my self...again...He is there.

Be still and know that I am God.
I am working on your behalf, on her behalf.
I see the beginning from the end and every step in between.
Trust in Me as you still your heart again to the melodies of grace flowing from my heart to yours.

I AM still here.

Mom with Granny on Friday, January 25th
{9 days after surgery for broken neck}

**Update on Granny as of 4:30 p.m. EST :: She is doing VERY well today. She is off of the ventilator. She is wearing a trache collar now, which apparently is a step up. She had physical therapy today and was able to sit up for awhile. This morning she was very alert and recognizing people as well as communicating as much as she can without being able to speak because of the trache. She is resting peacefully now.

Prayer Request :: Please pray that she will pass her swallow test when they give it and that her sugar levels would be under control.

Five Minute Friday

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

God-Sized Dreams in 2013

When it popped up in my e-mail, "Guess who my featured Five Minute Friday post is this week?" I literally could not believe it.

I know. That sounds like false humility and all, but seriously, I really feel like I am faking this whole blogging/writing thing at least 75-80% of the time. At Allume last year, I would not even read my Five Minute Friday out loud, because I still feel like the girl in the room who speaks a second language, dresses a little weird, and has no idea how to navigate first-world social norms. My sister fakes-it-til-you-make-it  better than I do.

But I love to write. I have a poet's heart and a prosey brain and over the years, I have embraced the view I have on life that is uniquely my own. I see God's handprint, and I celebrate the fact that I am loved by One such as Him.

So I was thrilled, and even did a little happy dance on the inside. Wow! I cannot believe I was chosen.

When I looked later, I found out a little more about the matter. Lisa-Jo had tweeted to the #FiveMinuteFriday gang to give her some feedback on their favorite post of the week, and Tonya, whom I have never talked to or met, even online, shared my link, with no link backs to me so I did not even know it, until after the fact.

No fanfare. No big deal. Just a little tweet.

And I felt simultaneously humbled and ecstatic! {I am an extrovert after all!}

Somehow this whole thing that I dedicate a lot of my time and heart making a difference.
One person.
One tweet at a time.

The next day, I get this Facebook message from a college friend, Anna....

"I thought of you today while listening to a radio program called women of grace. The way the host was so encouraging and passionate reminded me of you. Have you considered going into Christian radio? : )"

My speaker's heart wanted to burst. I had JUST been reading about podcasting WHILE she was typing this message. I have missed teaching and preaching and speaking during our extended sabbatical, and I would love to make space in my world of blogging for some spoken word.

Bottom line.

I love words.

I love people.
I love hearing their stories.
I love walking with them through broken places.
I love helping them find their own uniqueness.
I love celebrating that individuality that is all their own.
I love seeing their dreams come true.
I love discipling.
I love making people feel THEY are chosen.
{because, well, it's true!!}

My ex-boyfriend used to say, "Lindsey, you have a heart for everything and every body." I would laugh and think, "What is wrong with that?" The Lord took me on a journey into pastoral ministry where I methodically worked directly with all ages from 2-82 and everything in between, adding more ages groups in as the years passed, and at this point in my life, there is no age that I do not care for, see their unique needs, and long to help in that way.

I have not talked much about this yet because I SO wanted to be clear, concise, and orderly, but the chaos that is my brain will not give me that luxury so I shall share nonetheless.

For 2013, I am purposefully embracing my God-sized dreams. I am joining 99 other ladies as we jump off the cliff called SAFE into the unknown. Holley Gerth is our guide through this journey along with the Holy Spirit of course, and I am delighted to be taking this challenge.

Did I say delighted?

So since I am having a hard time "narrowing down" ONE God-sized dream to focus on, I thought I would just share them all. I, know...crazy, right? To put myself out there like that. Remember I told you....I have always been a LITTLE different from the status quo.

Okay here are my dreams {at least what I can think of at the moment} in no particular order::

* Become a licensed counselor
* Become a bonafide author
* Become a college professor
* Work again in full time ministry
  {even if that looks different that it has in the past}
* Be completely free from chronic pain
* Become a mother
* Get paid for my art 
  {writing, speaking, photography}
* Become a graphic designer {maybe}
* Be in control of my own schedule 
  without financial worry
* Be the kind of wife who enthusiastically 
  supports my husband's dreams
* Live life to the fullest 
  and continue to dream even more!

Okay, that is good for now I suppose....I want to expound and quantify and add to but I think that will come in other posts. I have a whole year after all, eh?

But you know what would be REALLY COOL and SO VERY EXCITING FOR ME??!!??

Would you join me in this God-sized dream journey?

Pinterest via The Artsy Girl Studio

My friend, Holly, will be blogging about it lots and she wrote the coolest e-book, The "Do What You Can" Plan, so you can follow and read along with her as well as with me here. If this just speaks to your heart, gives you that little leap inside, will you let me know below?

If you are like me, and are just not sure what your God-sized dreams are or how to focus on them, tell me that too! We will figure it out together somehow, stumbling through the dark. We have an amazing Guide, keeping us safe as we navigate this new territory.

Also.....and this is sort of awkward to ask....but if you know me, either online or in real life, would you weigh in some of the dreams that I shared with you? Because my dreams are all about people, knowing which ones influence people the most, might help me to figure out the God-sized dream for THIS season, ya know? I would definitely appreciate it...especially those of you {lurkers} who read but do not comment...would you DE-LURK, just for this one?  Thank you!!

Happy dreaming...

"If you keep on believing, the God-sized dream that you wish really will come true."
{modified from Cinderella}

Monday, January 14, 2013

Underdogs, Community, and FREE (in)RL :: How to do life better...together!!

My great-grandmother had a saying she used to say, "Nitwits and N*&%* always like me."

It was a different time back then, and while today we might say black or people of color, her heart was in the right place. Truly. Because basically, the underdogs of society (at that time) were always drawn to her. The same could be said of my mother and her sisters, and now of my sister and I as well as many of our cousins. I'd like to think that just as freckles, boisterous laughter, being-the-loudest-cheerleaders-in-the-stands as well as strong-willed and stubborn women is obvious in all of us, so is the penchant for compassion for the least of these.

The same could be said of The Bailey know.....on It's a Wonderful Life.

George's, our main character's, father ran the Building and Loan in Bedford Falls. Peter Bailey was, admittedly, not a very good business man. He was not even able to save enough money to send his two sons, George and Harry, to college. So, Henry Potter, the villian of our story, and the man who basically ran the whole town EXCEPT for the Building & Loan was calling Peter Bailey "a failure" and "a starry-eyed dreamer" before he was barely cold in his grave.

George just lost it! He knew his father's weaknesses, but he also knew his strengths.
"He didn't save enough money to send Harry to school, let alone me. But he did help a few people get out of your slums, Mr. Potter. And what's wrong with that?  Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about...they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath? Anyway, my father didn't think so...."
George went on to become the man his father was and MORE. In spite of his own lofty dreams, he stayed in Bedford Falls, got married, had a family, and helped more and more families get out of the "projects" and own their own place. George was even known to GIVE money away to friends in need, even when he did not have it.

I feel so challenged by the Bailey family, and even by the heritage in my own family. I wonder if I can look at all of humanity and be so generous, not just with money, but with my heart, my time, my life??Can I REALLY love not only with those who "appear to be the underdogs" but also with those who cover it well, who push people away, who are not easy to love??

I am working on that.
Or I should say, HE is working on me.
And being in community, being sharpened by others definitely helps me with that.

I have learned a lot about community in the past two years. I have learned that it comes where you least expect it and sometimes you must embrace the community you are given.

The place...and people...that have challenged my thinking about community the most lately are the beautiful women over at (in)courage. Not only did they start online community groups called (in)courager groups, but they also held a conference called (in)RL meaning (in) REAL LIFE where women across the globe, literally tuned in together in real life meet ups with women in their home towns. This is taking in one mind and one accord to a WHOLE new level!

Well guess what? You can be a part of (in)RL 2013 this year FOR FREE!!  Yay! Just click over here for more details! Please check it out! You won't be sorry! I promise! Oh...and did I mention, that you get some FREE gifts if you sign up TODAY! WaHOO!! Even more loveliness, right??

"Think of it as a FREE girl’s weekend away that doesn’t require packing or plane tickets, where women can kick off any expectation of perfect, set aside their fears, their shyness, their worry that they’re not good enough, and find some of Jesus’ words of rest woven into every video shared."

(If you are reading in an e-mail or RSS fee, please click here to see the (in)RL trailer.)


My ALL-TIME favorite Christmas movie hands-down is It's a Wonderful Life. Jimmy Stewart's rendition of George Bailey and the subsequent characters his life impacts tug at my heart strings every time. I am always reminded what a powerful force each of us can be in the lives of others.

So every Monday in 2013, I am sharing from Bob Welch's book, 52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life, in a short, encouraging post, a new principle to focus on and be encouraged by for that week. Hopefully you {and I!} will both be inspired that it REALLY is a wonderful life as our faith in God and how we live that out is challenged.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Five Minute Friday :: Dive

Because some days, five minutes is JUST enough.
To make someone feel loved.
To know that you are cared for.
To give hope for the future.
To remember His promises.

So on Fridays, I join the web's best linky party filled with women {and some men too!} who throw caution to the wind and just write without perfection or hindrance in just five our soul's abandoned words to the world...

It's hard and amazing and so breathtakingly beautiful...and you can be a part of that beauty. 

Will you join us?

Five Minute Friday

2013 has started off with a bang.

I mean, we are 10 days in...11 if you count the 11 minutes past 12 that I am looking at right now, and well....

Bang! We are off to the races.

Dreams pushing to the surface like the wreckage of some beautiful old pirate ship filled with treasure beyond comprehension.

The Old Ship
Damon | Photography
Can there really be so much goodness inside of a old boat covered in mildew and moss?

And there He is...the Captain smiling proudly over his ship, ready to dive deep into the treasure He most assuredly placed inside. It is like He does not even see the wreckage or the mildew or the moss. He sees the bounty, the unearthed goodness because He knows how much He put into it.

So how can I say no or walk away from the pride in His eyes?
Scared though I am.
Trepidation filling my senses

And yet...

Oh, Captain, my can I not follow you as we dive deep together in this new-old land?

P.S. I wanted you to know that I am hosting this AH-MAY-ZING giveaway on my blog for 5...yes FIVE...of Chris Tomlin's latest release, Burning Lights! So PLEASE don't miss out on this! It is SUCH a steal....for REAL!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chris Tomlin - Burning Lights {Review & Giveaway}

When I was about nineteen years old, I fell in love with a new worship movement especially geared for college students. It was fresh and real and freeing and gut-wrenchingly from the heart. They called themselves Passion, and the passion that they inspired in the hearts of not only but especially college students was just mind-blowing. A whole generation fell in love with the likes of David Crowder, Charlie Hall, and Chris Tomlin....including me.

Almost 15 years later, Passion is still going strong. Their worship leaders have multiplied and many have written and launched albums of their own. Yay!

This week, I am excited to tell you that one of my LONG TIME FAVS released a NEW album on Tuesday of this week.....Burning Lights.

Chris Tomlin wrote his first worship song at fourteen years old. Ten years later, he started a journey that would see him leading thousands upon thousands of the leaders of the next generation in worship. His songs have made their way into church worship services, youth group prayer vigils, car radios, and maybe even your personal iTunes playlist. from Give Us Clean Hands, We Fall Down, How Great Is Our God, God of This City and so many more comes worship songs for the new millennium.

Burning Lights continues this amazing trend with songs like White Flag that reminds us to lay our own agenda down in surrender to His, God's Great Dance Floor that just rocks your socks off and makes you want to leave your seat and get on your feet, and my current personal fav, Whom Shall I Fear {God of Angel Armies} that reminds me of the story in the Bible where Israel's enemies saw WAY more fire power behind the Israelite army than was actually there, and like them, I know that "the God of angel armies is always by my side."

Even though Sparrow Records gave me an album for review, I got so excited listening to these songs at Passion '13 that I could not wait to tell you about it because I know you will love them too!


And this is the best part.....

Five of you....yes that is right....FIVE of you will win Burning Lights for FREE!! Right here!!


Just enter the Rafflecopter below for a WHOLE LOT of chances to be one of those winners!! Be sure to come back every day to tweet or share for more entries!
{If you are reading this in your e-mail or a reader, please click over to the blog to enter.}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, January 7, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life :: Childlike Faith

My ALL-TIME favorite Christmas movie hands-down is It's a Wonderful Life. Jimmy Stewart's rendition of George Bailey and the subsequent characters his life impacts tug at my heart strings every time. I am always reminded what a powerful force each of us can be in the lives of others.

For Christmas, my mom bought me the DVD, because believe it or not, I still had the VHS version! ;-) And Netflix isn't giving up the goods quite yet. When I opened the present, there was another fun treat in there, 52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life by Bob Welch. He visits fifty-two various themes throughout the book that challenges us in our faith in God and how we live that out every day.

So I had a light bulb moment!

Why not share one of my arguably favorite movies of all time with you, on a weekly basis, all year long based on the short principles in this book.

So every Monday, I will bring to you in short, encouraging post, a new principle to focus on and be encouraged by for that week, hopefully, to inspire you {and me!} to realize that it REALLY is a wonderful life.

Lesson #1 :: Childlike Faith

Clarence, he is George's angel in our story. He is getting sent down on his first assignment, hopefully, to get his wings. The higher ups do not think much of Clarence's brains, but they admire his faith like a child. Although Clarence may not be the best angel around according to all the "angelic societal norms," he has a heart that has gained him the recognition of the higher-ranking angels who decide where the second-class angels get sent on assignment.

I love to live life with the heart of the child, to approach every situation with raw honesty and joy.

Welch says it like this, "As children, we are not jaded by the sophistication of the world.  We're real. We're humble. We're willing to admit our needs and trust that others can help us. We're unpretentious and adventurous. We're lighthearted and imaginative. And we're fearless, willing to take a risk."

But like most adults, I, too, forget to put adventure, imagination, and fearlessness at the forefront. I, we, live life safe, guarded. Welch said that we even "hide our needs from others." Guilty as charged. And finally, instead of approaching God with simplicity, without guile, complicated thinking gets in the way like trying to work out my salvation and problems all on my own....on our own.

If we can approach life a little more like Clarence, imagine how different life would be.

1 Corinthians 1:27 - "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."

I spent the afternoon on Sunday learning about the life of Randy Pausch and listening to his final Carnegie Melon lecture on Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.


If you want the ten minute condensed version, you can click here, but if you have time to soak in the hour and fifteen minute lecture, you will seriously NOT be sorry.

If there is a man who embraced life with childlike wonder, it was Randy Pausch. I am thoroughly challenged.

May you find the kid in your soul and the laughter in your moments as you trust the Father with the faith of a little child.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Project 365 :: Day 344-366 {The Final Chapter}

 Day 344 :: Day 1 of the dreaded flu/infection/virus. 
Little did I know it would be "hanging" out for the holidays

Day 345 :: Some of the "bandaid" meds that helped
to provide a bit of relief 

Day 346 :: One of my views during the yucky-ness 

Day 347 :: A little abstract photo project for photography class 

Day 348 :: I figure if you have to blow your nose
like it is going out of style,
you might as well have a smiley face around. ;-) 

Day 349 :: Felt better so went out for a photo shoot
for my cousin and his surprise proposal
Sweet couple, right?
 Day 350 :: Mom and Dad are home for Christmas! Yay!

 Day 351 :: And yeah...not so much better....
Tomorrow's agenda :: Finally go to the doctor

Day 352 :: My ole boy 

Day 353 :: Well at least there was some holiday fun
around the house to keep me company 

Day 354 :: And then my love started feeling not so awesome.... 

....and we missed a picture day....

Day 356(1) :: But we perked ourselves up enough to make
it to Arno's work party

Day 356(2) :: Bowling with the Telewire crew

 Day 356(3) :: And some yummy snacks from 
Arno's boss' wife 

 Day 357 :: Helping Mom and Dad pick out 
their Christmas tree

 Day 358 :: Watching my favorite Christmas movie,
It's a Wonderful Life,
with the family!

Day 359 :: Christmas Day with the cousins 

Day 360 :: Hanging wth Mr. Morris

Day 361 :: This is what happens to your recycling
when you have been sick for almost 3 weeks.
Thank you, Mom, for taking it to the 
recycling center for me!
{No pickups in our neighborhood!}

Day 362 :: My first attempt at baking a turkey,
under my Mom's supervision.
It was quite fun and not as hard as I thought! 

Day 363 :: My love and his Russian attire
He totally wore this to work and kept it on the whole day! 

Day 364 :: Post-Christmas chilliin' 

Day 365 :: New over-the-boot socks from sis
and upscaled boots from my friend Natalie 

Day 366 {Leap Year} :: Happy New Year's Eve
from the van Niekerks

It's been a fun ride doing Project 365. With days missed here and there and made up for along the way, I love looking back and seeing how I have grown and changed along the way.

I will not start over agin this upcoming year as far as Project 365 is concerned,
but stay tuned for weekly photography assignments, designed to stretch myself and my skills.
It's gonna be great!

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and if you want to see the whole Project 365 year in pictures just clicked the Project 365 label below.

Happy New Year!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Five Minute Friday{And Then Some} :: Opportunity

It's back! 
After a month long hiatus for the December holidays, Five Minute Friday has returned. Last night was a lovely party {#FMFparty} on Twitter with some of my favorite ladies on the web. It was a real treat to my extroverted, words-of-affirmation heart. You should TOTALLY join us one week...for the party and the word scramble.

It's hard and beautiful and lovely and scary.
And I hate to ever miss one week!

So without further ado......

Five Minute Friday

I've been dreaming a lot lately.
This has been pretty amazing.
For awhile I thought I had lost the dreamer,
the artist,
the soulful girl,
the Anne-girl of my childhood.

But God is faithful and good and gracious
to renew and restore and fill us up again.

So I have been dreaming.
Of the future.
Of the year to come.
Of the days ahead.
Of the now.

I am full up with possibility, opportunity, and the light at the end of the tunnel.

I do not know if I will become an author, a counselor, a professor, or a graphic designer.
I am not sure if I will move to Alaska or Colorado or Timbuktu or even stay here in small town Maryland.
I have no idea if we will have six children or one, if they will be foster or adopted or biological or all of the above.

I am not sure.
I am not sure about a lot of things.
This used to scare me.
Some days it still does.
A lot.

But lately, the pot has been stirred and I am bubbling to the brim with the open doors that I can just make out on the horizon.

It is a mystery,
where they will lead,
what mountains and valleys that I will travail,
which beautiful hardships and gifts will cross my path.

But the mystery...for the first time, in a long time....I trepidatiously, with outstretched arms, step forward into the Light, knowing that His fingers are at holding my palms leading me on.

P.S. Had a "little" more than 5 minutes today...was just on a roll and HAD to finish!! ;-)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

100 Pound Loser {A Review}

When I heard that Jessica of Muthering Heights was writing an e-book about her 100 pound weight loss journey, I was surprised. After seeing her first at Relevant in 2011, and at Allume in 2012 as co-leader of the conference, looking super cute in her trendy outfits and amazing figure, I would never have guessed the battle she has overcome to arrive at the place she is now.

I was super excited to read and to review this book, not only because of how she looks NOW, but also because she is a real woman with four kids and fibromyalgia and somehow managed to balance all that, and find the body that she feels comfortable in.

THAT is the kind of book I want to read, the kind of woman whose story and journey that I want to know.

Since I have battled with chronic pain, most likely fibromyalgia too, I have been unable to exercise and dance like I used to to maintain the weight that I was most comfortable with and the past 2 and 1/2 years have found me slowly adding pounds that I would rather not carry around.

100 Pound Loser: How I Ate What I Wanted, Had Four Babies, & Still Took Control Of My Weight – And You Can Too! was like a shot in the arm, the boost that I needed to believe that it IS possible, even with obstacles in the way like health issues

Jessica shares her words in the same style that she speaks {I can hear her sweet voice in my mind bouncing across the auditorium at Allume}. Winsome, humorous, girl-next-door, coffee-chat-style, that is Jessica to a tee. Her words and motivation are not from a dietician or a fitness expert, they are from a mom, a woman, a friend who has faced this poundage mountain and lived to tell the tale.

In Jessica's own words....

"I wrote this because I'm just like you...I’ve been where you are: feeling tired, sluggish, and out of shape. Wanting to make positive changes for your health, but overwhelmed by the enormity of it, with hands full of children and all the beautiful business of life.   
I wrote this because I’ve done it. I’ve gained the weight, lost the weight, and kept it off. . .four babies (each a little over one year apart) later. 
I want to encourage you to take the steps toward taking care of your body. I want to cheer for you as you reclaim your health. If you’re married, I want you to wink at your husband, and giggle with confidence when he comes after you, without trying to hide. 
I want you to know you’re not alone—and that no matter what, whatever the mirror or the scale says, you are not just your body; you’re an amazing creature, fearsome to behold."

You can buy the book today for $4.99 on Amazon.

Or if you want more information, check out

***Big thanks to Jessica for giving me and advance copy of the book to review! All opinions are my PURELY my own....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

One Word :: Rearview Reflection and Dreaming into 2013

After I told my sister my one word for the year at the beginning of 2012, she later confessed that she asked God, "Really Lord? Isn't Lindsey relentless enough already?"

I have laughed over and over and over about that thought.

And I realized how true it is. I have a RATHER persistent personality....usually enticing people into my ideas and passions with contagious excitement.


I have long been aware that there is a fine line between influence and manipulation. I try hard to keep that line really OBVIOUS to myself. No one HATES being manipulated more than me so I do not want to be the one to inflict that yucky-ness on others.

But that relentless nature in my 90%-fight-over-10%-flight reaction in my being took a beating in the struggles of the past 3-4 years.  So when I wrote about Relentless on January 5 of last year...I knew that God wanted to show Himself relentless in my life. I truly did get that.

.....the depth to which He has plumbed, I honestly do not know if I have the words to adequately explain because it has been so vast and thorough and well...amazing...

Let me try....

I feel more aware of the fact that He is Relentless FOR me, IN me, THROUGH me, IN SPITE of me. His grace to see me through every circumstance, to let me be still while He fights for me....well...there is no other way to say it than...I needed that. I needed to have a rescuer. I needed to learn how to LET Him be that. I needed the white knight. And He met me where I was at.

I will probably always be learning how to let go, to let Him, to be, to stop doing all the time, but this past year was an amazing kickstart.

My word for this year came to me in a whirlwind of a surprise, and yet slowly as it has seeped into my heart, I see the way God is weaving the tapestry together in this decade of grace. Arno {the hubs} even commented on the connection...

2010 - The Year of Grace
2011 - The Year of the Redeemed
2012 - The Relentless Year

And now.....

Taking this extrovert to a place of quiet and even loneliness, showing me who He is AND who He is IN me. This word both scares and excites me, like one's one word should I think.  Like every big launching pad moment, the knowledge that change is coming has me simultaneously shaking in my boots and shouting Hallelujah in the deepest recesses of my soul.

Like "Be STILL and know that I am God...." and "I am STILL in control, my child..."

Yeah. Like I said. Shaking and shouting.
All at the same time.

So of course Psalm 46:10 will not stop persisting in my head.
I looked it up and discovered some interesting perspectives in various versions that got me just a wee bit more excited!

New International Version (©1984) "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." 
New Living Translation (©2007) "Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world."  
New American Standard Bible (©1995) "Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  
Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009) Stop your fighting--and know that I am God, exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth." 

International Standard Version (©2012) Be in awe and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted throughout the earth.  
Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010) Return and know that I AM GOD. I am exalted among the nations and I am exalted in the Earth. 

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995) Let go [of your concerns]! Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth. 
Okay, if you are STILL here, and I haven't lost you in my comparing-versions-geek-fest, well, YAY! And I will share more as the year progresses...

Now.........I would love to hear YOUR one word {or link to your blog post about it if applicable}, if you have chosen one or even one of your goals for this year. I think sharing our plans/goals/dreams, while scary, gives us, not only accountability, but also stirs excitement in our bones...makes it real!

So c'mon...get real WITH me...yeah?

Happy New Year, friends!
This is a special one, eh?

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