Friday, August 24, 2012

Five Minute Friday :: Join

Every little girl wants to join
To be a part.
To feel accepted.

And then we grow up.
Into women.
Who want to join.
To be a part.
To feel accepted.

As a missionary or third culture kid, those moments often seem few and far between.
Who am I?
Where do I belong?

I think what's funny though is how that is really the heart cry of all of us, especially us girls.
Can I just be me?
Will that be safe?
Will you love me in spite of the prickles and spines that you see in me?

From blogging to small groups to Sunday church service
From the car pool club to the home owner's association
It seems like there is never-ending opportunities...

To feel scared
To be rejected
To risk being unloved


To find a kindred spirit
To heal a wound
To bridge a gap
To know that I'm okay.

Will I take the leap....and just join in?
Will you?

Five Minute Friday

I've been a little quiet in this space over the summer. Just life. And tough decisions. And HUGE question marks have made life seem a little overwhelming. I have even backed away from my favorite girlfriend-cyberspace-meetingplace. As my soul soaks in His mercies, His graces, His presence, His love, I hope to open my heart up here again. I miss it. And I miss YOU....all you lovely readers and bloggers who share this journey with me. Thank you for praying for me, for us as we navigate through the scary feelings of the foster care certification dance, baby longings, dealing with chronic pain....and more. Your presence, spoken or quietly supporting, means the world!

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