This week......
Life is full of color to me.
Bright hues of golden yellow
Sultry tones of deep red
Mellow visions of bright blues
Calming palates of rich green
Nothing is ever simple or plain to me.
Sorrow is keen.
Joy is unspeakable.
Pain is horrendous
Love is unfathomable in its depth.
I see the vivid nature in everything, everybody, every circumstance
How the tapestry weaves us all together
How our lives twist and turn and crash and even burn
to the rhythms of seeming happenstance
and yet....
The bliss of grace seems wild
Waving its banner high and true
in every moment and every breath
Alive and Real
for all to see
If we will only look
it is there
in all
its VIVID clarity.
Join me??

Thanks for sharing that beautiful imagery and verse, Lindsey. The bliss of grace DOES wave "high and true" -- and I don't know why, but that small phrase gave me chills. It is dauntless. Thanks for the reminder. :)
"How the tapestry weaves us all together." I love this. The tapestry of our individual lives, and every single circumstance, weaves together to create a vivid portrait of His grace. Beautiful post!
Grace waving its banner high and true . . with all its vivid imagery. Love that!
"The bliss of grace seems wild!" Love it.
the bliss of grace waves" high and true", yes i feel and see the reality of this line.
Wow, wow, WOW! Not only do I love that you live life with heart and eyes wide open and in living color, you can write about it in five minutes! Gorgeous!
Very good, my writer girl! I like!!
Very good, my writer girl! I like!!
This was beautiful. I seriously need to try this :) Have a fabulous weekend !
"Love is unfathomable in its depth..." So true. Love this!
Beautifully written! <3 Traci
Thank you so much, Traci!
Thank you, Amy!
Oh, I am so glad, Ms. Kathleen!
Thanks, my mum! Love you!
Oh! Thanks, Nancy! That means a lot!
Right? grace. grace. grace. In everything.
Thanks, Robin! It really is, isn't it?
Thank you. It seems to be lifting its banner higher and higher in my life...
Oh yes! It's kind of amazing!
Oh, Amy! Thank you...grace has become such an anthem in my life...
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