Sunday, August 26, 2012

Project 365 :: Day 219-238

A few weeks of planning for a gala, visiting with out-of-town friends, a 50th birthday party, prayer with my church, and lots of normal days in between filled with ups and downs and moments living life out loud.

Thanks for taking this ride with me....

Day 219 :: Chillin' after Insanity

 Day 220 :: Sporting my 80's inspired stylings

Day 221 :: Summer fun polish from Essie and Klout 

Day 222 :: Hanging out with two of my best girls {Mom and Sis} 

Day 223 :: A little stop at Tom & Jerry's for a LARGE coffee
for my love on our way to a meeting 

Day 224 :: Happy 50th, Uncle Ranny!! 

Day 225 :: These pretty purple flowers surprised us by
flourished unexpected on the little bushes on our back yard hill 

Day 226 :: Sis and I had lots of errands to do prepping for the 
fundraising gala for my parents ministry in Haiti. It took us 
ALL over, including this road in between two corn fields! ;-) 

Day 227 :: I forgot to take a pic on this Tuesday, but this one is 
from the next day. Patches had her first bath EVER and she really hated it!
She finally stopped crying once I wrapped her in a towel and held her close. 

Day 228 :: About once a week, I make Arno protein fruit smoothies 
after his Insanity work outs. #Mhmmm They are so good!! 
{if I do say so myself}

Day 229 :: To Haiti, With Love - A 40 Year Journey into a Heart of a Nation
Celebrating 40 years of marriage and ministry in Haiti
as well as a fundraising gala to build on the future years to come 

Day 230 :: Spent the weekend with some amazing out of town guests
whose visits are too few and far between...this is me and sis with
our Haitian-missionary grandma at Assateague National Park.

Day 231 :: Chillin' with my adoptive niece, Bella-Joy 

Day 232 :: Generations...making friends

Day 233 :: After a challenging Monday, this is exactly where I 
needed to be -- prayer time at my church - Answer the Call 

Day 234 :: So these are the kids that I nanny 1 to 2 days a week.
This is them "Walking Me To The Car"
And yes...they seat-belted THEMSELVES in!! 

Day 235 :: My dad "serving" my mom
Such a humble guy!

Day 236 :: "Our" boy hanging out in our back yard
#ThisMakesMeHappy #LoveItWhenHeVisits

Day 237 :: Prepping to make some choc chip cookies
with a little Heath bar thrown in for good measure

Day 238 :: A rainy Saturday

I'm on a journey, chronicling my life with a picture a day for a year. I hope to discover the world around me in my day-to-day life in a uniquely different way as well as learn more about my DSLR to better capture those precious moments. 

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