Friday, August 31, 2012

Five Minute Friday {And Then Some} :: Change

So yeah, I am one of those people.
You know them.
The one whose heart races when a big event is coming
The one whose mind gets carried away with the "certain" impending doom of a life transition.
The one whose paradigm getting shifted feels equivalent to the moving of Gibraltar.

I kinda hate change.
Okay, I really do.

I live with lots of variety and flexibility in my schedule and day.
I discover new interests or amazing truths weekly, if not daily.
I view dressing myself as an adventure, a canvas with where I can showcase my artistic heart.

And then...
It's time to move to Africa.
Or get married.
Or get into foster care.

And I am like, "WHOY! Back up the truck! I've gotta think!!


And then I feel faithless and guilty about my reticence, hesitance, unwillingness to jump blindly into the seasons that the Lord has planned, so He usually gives me SOLID, LARGE road signs as a flail wildly behind the wheel to let me know that I am indeed going in the right direction. And maybe, if I would just let Him drive and SHOW HIS ART for a minute, I might discover an amazing view along the way.

He is so patient.
Loving me.
Holding me.
Keeping my heart,
that He made,
close to His heart.

So I take a deep, deep, deep breath {AGAIN} and promise that I will try to keep my eyes open for the next roller coaster He wants to ride with me.

But I am pretty sure I will still scream.
Cause that's aloud right?

Five Minute Friday

Fridays are the days where I join with this amazing posse -- Lisa-Jo and her Five-Minute Fridayers. The sole mission of this band of writing mavericks is to throw caution completely to the wind and pour heart on paper {ahem...screen} for just 5 minutes without editing or fixing or making it perfect and just so. Today, I needed a few extra minutes....just to get past the incessant editor in my head and the kitty determined to sit on my laptop.....and you know what....this place....there's grace for that too, even when it is scary to press publish and wonder if your words make sense or if your voice matters.

But I do it. 
And they do. 
And it does......and so do you, my friend.

Have you ever thought about joining?
Why not try it today?
Risk the change!
I would love to share in your journey.....

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