This week is leading up to our 7 year wedding anniversary on Monday, so I had all of these great intentions to do these amazing dates each day, which I did plan.....but one night I had to work late and then family stuff came up and foster care babysitting and we just decided to take the pressure off and enjoy each day and do what we felt to do WHEN we wanted to! We have had some great memories this week and looking forward to a few more fun activities in the next couple of days too...
So here's my week in snapshots....
Day 239 :: Made lots of chocolate chip cookies for the church picnic
but then because of the weather, they had to cancel.
So needless to say....we enjoyed them this week! ;-)
Day 240 :: The list that kept growing...finally made it to the store
and my love went with me. That always makes is seem a little less
like an errand and little more like a date.
Can you believe I STILL forgot hairspray???
{middle of the list}
Day 241 :: This kid's imagination always makes me laugh!
Day 242 :: A walk down memory lane...back to the place of the
very first "I love you!"
Day 243 :: Dinner with the fam AND laughing til our sides hurt
as we shared in my sis & her hubs' Ireland adventure through pics
Day 244 :: The Dollar Menunaire Date inspired by The Dating Divas
{They have SO many great just HAVE to check them out!}
Day 245 :: Me and one of the twin foster boys that we babysat
today for foster parent friends.
2 Dollar Store H2O Blasters = 45 mins of fun for just $2
Awesome, Right?
{Disclaimer :: Maryland child protection/privacy laws prevent
me from showing you his sweet face...but trust me
it is too cute for words!}
I'm on a journey, chronicling my life with a picture a day for a year. I hope to discover the world around me in my day-to-day life in a uniquely different way as well as learn more about my DSLR to better capture those precious moments. {Update: Taking a couple of photography classes with my sister this fall...very excited!}