"His love is deep....His love is WIIIIDEE..."
I picture the fields of Africa, the praire fields of Kansas, the expanse of the sky from the highest point around.
About ten years ago, a lady prayed for me.
She gave me a verse that the Lord had laid upon her heart.
About the Lord placing me in a WIDE place.
She went on to say, "Even though you are a little girl..."
I was in my early twenties at the time, but I was not offended at all because while she prayed and prophesied and spoke the word over my life, all I could think was, "Lord, I am just a little girl."
I think that is why this blog is aptly titled,
"The Little Missionary Girl All Grown Up."
I know it is a mouthful for a blog name and should be shorter
But it defines me.
This little girl.
This little missionary kid
Stumbling her way through in this great big WIDE grown up world.
And somehow there I find His grace.
I find His mercy.
It is new for me in ways I never expected.
Filling me up to fill the places He has prepared for me.
Psalm 18:19 - He brought me out to a wide-open place.He rescued me because he was pleased with me.GOD'S WORD® Translation
Psalm 118:5 - From my distress I called upon the LORD; The LORD answered me and set me in a large place.
New American Standard Bible

Love hearing part of your journey! His love is definitely wide!! Joining from #fmfparty
Now I know the story of your blog and I love love love it!!! Wide open spaces is where he called you little girl. Don't forget. Don't loose hope. Beautiful heart!!
That verse was exactly what I needed. :) Great post!
Love the verses you picked, and learning more about your story, and how encouraging to know that God has wide open places planned for you, Lindsey :)
I spend so much of life feeling like a "little girl" - not yet arrived. There is a certain amount of waiting or expectancy, and yet I am okay with it. I think it's closely related to a humble attitude and willingness to learn from the Lord, which are definitely worth keeping. What's so great about being all grown up anyway?
Wow. Just wow. First off, love those verses! Also, aren't we all still just little girls playing dress-up and house? That's how I feel sometimes. And those wide-open spaces make me want to live and breathe more deeply...
Blessings! Jamie @One Blessed Lady
I love the thought of being HIS little girl. In his eyes, age doesn't matter, we're His little daughters who love nestling in His wide open arms.
Love your post and how your heart translates:)
Have a beautiful Friday, sweet friend!
Love this Lindsey! And you are so right...your blog is YOU. I still feel like a little girl stumbling through the big wide world. And I hope I never change! :)
Yes! And I am glad you said that...because I do feel like as woman we all feel like little girls in grown up bodies just stumbling through grace.
Same here. Same. Here. Stumbling wide. :)
"His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting..." That is wide, that is deep, that is high. I am so excited for what the Lord has for you. His love is so amazing... Bless You Girl!
Oh beautiful Lindsey! How He fills us up to go where He sends us!! Love it! Love you!
Ahhh, I could have sworn I commented. :( It must have deleted.
I came to say hello again. To you lovely words. Your insight. Your life-lived realness.
Wonderful post of memory tied to truth. So happy to be here again, learning more of you.
Sweet Lindsey, Iove this story you share, these words of truth spoken to your heart years ago. Just amazing. What a life we has for you! Love to you, friend.
Thanks so much for sharing this part of your story so I can get to know you better. Loved this!
Love your words as usual. And your walk with God, it's a beautiful thing to be part of every Friday. thanks
Thank you, Nicole, and thank you for coming over from the party! So glad to connect with so many amazing women there!
Thank you so much! I do not think I have ever shared my reason for the name before and it just CAME OUT today...and thank you so much for the encouragement...I heart His voice in your words!
I am so glad, Vanessa! Love when the Lord does that!
Leigh, YOU are a blessing AND a kindred soul FOR SURE...love getting to know you better each week! #DoingLifeTogether #ItsTheGoodStuff
Thank you, friend! Love back to ya!
So, so true....
Amen. Thank you, Ms. Kathleen!
YES! It seems that is how I relate to Him best...as His little girl. I really look forward to some great chats at Allume!
Thank you, my constant encourager-friend!!
Awww...Alia...that is so special to me! Thank you!
Coming to him like a child....there is nothing like it....in spite of my railing to TRY to be SO grown up....instead of just leaning into Him as a Dad....I am learning!
Yes. The verses that the Lord gave to that woman for me have come true over and over again in my life over the past 10 years. Thank you for your continued encouragement! Appreciate you!
Yes, Jamie...what a perfect way to put it! Wide-open space to breath...love that! Thank you for coming over!
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