"What you focus on will develop..."
boomed Lindsay Roberts one chapel service oh-so-many-years-ago
back in my days at Oral Roberts University.
She brought up a student, posed him with her husband and then took a picture of the floor. She eventually took a picture of the two of them together too, but her message was clearly illustrated.
What you focus on WILL develop.
I have treasured that nugget of wisdom close to my heart for many years now in many situations of life. So many times, when I am tempted to focus on the negative, the hurting, the sorrows, the bombshelled craters of my soul, her words come back to me in microphoned intensity.
What you focus on WILL develop.
I must confess.
I do not get it right all the time.
Probably most of the time.
Especially over the past few years.
There did not seem to be any "good" thing to focus on.
And then, slowly but surely, His grace, steady and true began to seep into my soul.
What you focus on WILL develop.
And REAL, RAW, and probably blatantly obvious truth smacked me in the face.
The more I focus on Him, the more His character develops
IN me
ON me
IN SPITE of me.
All those years of praying to be like Jesus....
When you focus on Me...and just Me...
and keep Me in your primary line of vision...
the beauty of grace,
the healing of redemption,
the ecstasy of mercy will develop.
Just like a pretty picture....

Linking up with South African friend, Lisa-Jo, and the most amazing community of women....seriously! They welcome and love and encourage like NOBODY'S business!! We write together every Friday in just 5 minutes {today I went a "little" over...and there's grace for that too} about whatever word our fearless writing-maverick-queen dishes out to us with reckless abandon and fearful bravery allowing our words to sing songs and paint pictures faster than our minds can edit. Cause no editing allowed! It is hard and good and scary and beautiful. If you have EVER wanted to join..won't you let this week be the week? It TRULY is an amazing community. You can even come and hang out at the PRE-WRITE party every Thursday evening aroung 10:30 pm or so. Just add the #FMFparty hashtag to your tweet and you're in! Hope to see you there!

Yes. This is so good. I haven't been very pleased with what all I've been developing lately and so the idea of "focus" was very timely for me. Here's praying that you, too, will be able to focus in deep and meaningful ways this week.
love how you illustrated 2 Cor. 3:18...as we focus on Him, spend time with Him, His character will be formed in us...so grateful for it is such a loving process...blessings, Lindsey :)
Such a powerful illustration--the physical image of taking the picture of the floor, as opposed to the actual subjects. Thanks for the reminder that focussing on God impacts us greatly. Not only do we get a clearer image of Him, but He can then transform us and all that exists around us and affects our lives.
Blessings to you today :)
Perfect. Focusing on Him makes everything else smaller and yes, His character develops in us. Thank you for sharing the quote that has stuck with you all these years, and now sticks with me!
Oh Lindsey...you...moved me this morning.
I'm on the verse of tears, yet I should probably not leash them.
Especially your words of "So many times, when I am tempted to focus on the negative, the hurting, the sorrows, the bombshelled craters of my soul, her words come back to me in microphoned intensity"....the stunning truth here! Purely amazing.
That woman in your chapel had incredible wisdom. I've never thought of it that way before. I love it. It conveys perfectly.
You've given me so much to think about. Goodness...thank you new friend. I still can't believe how blessed I am by the #FMFparty body.
Leigh...I am SO glad that we "met"! And how you touch me by your heartfelt words and feelings today! It truly WAS such a powerful image...even though she presented it in a fun and quirky way..probably part of why I remember it so well.
P.S. Still believing that if Allume is where God wants you, somehow the door will open. I literally got a ticket THE WEEK before last year!
Amen! It was a great lesson for me that day...one that, as you can see, I'll not soon forget! As I ALWAYS appreciate your words and insight! Thank you for stopping by today!
I am so glad! It really does help me in moments when I need to SHIFT my focus! Thank you, Tresta, for visiting!
Oh...thanks for sharing a Scripture with me that connects with these words! Love that! Blessings back atcha!
Amen. Thank you, Holly. I love how the Lord helps us to re-direct our focus when we get off track....it's that grace word again...can't get away from it...and never want to!!
I so appreciate your prayers. Last night, and for this. I still am having a hard time seeing past the "it just can't happen". Not because of the waiting list, or that the tickets are sold out. It's the finances. The time, the finances, being off work, the full cost finances. (see a trend?) Ugh, it's ugly - this anxiety. This giving up without giving God His due.
So I keep confessing and I keep being encouraged by people like you. And I smile. :) Thank you. And thank you for reading me too. You're a joy.
How wonderful! It is awesome how God draws us back to HIS reality, His truth... Bless You!
Oh thank you for this reminder that when we focus on Christ it all becomes clear. Such a beautiful image! Joining from 5 mInute Friday!
And boy, did that illustration ever stick with you?? All these years later, even!! I love it when Eternity seals something small like that to your heart, almost like the sandwich mom throws in your backpack, knowing you'll need it later. :)
I really like that thought..."What you focus on will develop". Good to ponder over sort of in reverse. What does the things that are developing in your life say about your focus? hmm...
Wise words, friend!
I SO get what you are saying for sure....but I will pray anyway...I have totally experienced the "if it is supposed to happen it will" too many times in my life not to believe that it IS possible is spit of all of the above....and I for one would love to meet you!
Very awesome! Thank you!
Thank you, Kariss...it is something I NEED to be reminded of all the time...for sure!
Such encouragement from one whose words I value so much...thanks, Holley!
For sure....God knows what we will need to remember again and again and again...
So true, right? Great way to draw out that thought...thanks for your perspective...
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