When Sparrow Records first approached me to review Into the Light by Matthew West, I hopped over to iTunes to check him out and listen to his top three songs. Much to my delight, I found that I not only had heard the top three multiple times, but also that I truly liked them! So, of course, I quickly accepted.
What has truly endeared me to Matthew West's music is the fact that he is telling stories, real-life, knock-your-socks-off, gut-wrenching, grace-quenching stories from every day people just like me and you and all of us. As a girl who aspires daily to be a better story-teller through both words and photographs, I love the heart behind an artist who shares the stories of redemption in a way with which we can all identify.
One of those top three songs of Matthew's that is arguably MY favorite song of his is Forgiveness.
And then I heard the story.
Undone, even.
In fact, you need to hear it.
Please listen to this.
I RARELY cry watching videos on people's blogs or YouTube clips.
But this...
Well, just see for yourself...
Did you catch that?
It makes me want to sing, from the depths of my soul, the words Matthew penned,
Show me how to love the unlovable Show me how to reach the unreachable Help me now to do the impossible Forgiveness, ForgivenessWith stories like that set to song, this is an album not to be missed.
‘…there is power in a story…and we all have a story to tell…the songs on Into The Light are inspired by these amazing, real-life stories…[these stories] will challenge all who hear to discover the hope, healing and freedom that can only be found when we step out of the darkness and Into The Light…’
~Matthew West, JesusFreakHideout.Com
So with that....five readers will get to share in these stories FOR FREE, winning THIS album and a journal from Matthew West. In addition to that, ONE lucky reader will win a collection of Matthew's albums {including this one} and a special journal. Sweet deal, right?
Purchase Into the Light on iTunes TODAY!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Great giveaway - I love good music :)
Love Matthew West's music! Great giveaway!
Matthew West sings the stories of our soul. The joys and the heart breaks. The anger and the forgiveness. He writes the songs that God wants us to hear. God wants us to share. So that others will know they are not alone, we are never alone. JESUS Stands beside us and makes us strong. We need more songwriters and singers like Matthew West. Thank you Matthew, I love you.
What an amazing story... Such a blessing for so many :)
I find it humorous that Matthew West is on the radio RIGHT NOW while I'm reading your post! I couldn't believe it! Well, I can...cuz I love his stories transposed into melodies...
Matthew Rocks!!!
What a beautiful story! So love God moments like this! Thank you so much for sharing this my sweet friend! Blessings!
I hesitated when you said, "I rarely cry..." because I ALWAYS cry. But I watched anyway and of course cried (sobbed would be more accurate). The story hit home a bit ~ although my daughter lives, she was critically injured this summer when she decided to hop into the car of a friend who had been drinking. So glad that I have a heavenly Father who empowers me to forgive.
Oh, Laurie! I am so sorry....thank God for how He wraps us in His arms in moments where it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk on our own. Holding your heart to Jesus today....
@Laurie Thank you for sharing. We are all with you in our hearts. We know that Jesus keep you strong. May we know your daughters name so that we can add her to our prayer list. Our Lord in heaven truly does not want bad things to happen to us. He does want us to make something good out of something bad. Sounds like that is exactly what you have done. God's blessings to you and your family. Forgiveness is the first step in healing. Our love and prayers to you. Kelly Quigley
Love his music!!!!
Love his music. Thank you Lindsey!
Wow! Incredible story!
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