...and my heart whispers, "Thank you, Jesus."
If she only knew the pathways He has taken me down to bring me to the place where someone could see Him with graceful movements flowing in my being.
I am judgmental.
I am filled with insecurites.
I am jealous and scared and overwhelmed.
By my own pride
and comparisons
and struggles
and desires...
BUT grace...
She appears on the scene clothed in a garment of white, smooth, silky to the touch like ice cream as it floats down your throat.
She is that favorite blanket warm from the dryer.
She is your kitty of a decade snuggled close to your arm.
She is kindness and joy, healing and mercy.
She is graceful...

With a heart full tonight, I write. Spent an hour and a half with kindreds at this amazing little party on the Twitter-verse....and I feel like my cup is overflowing in a way-deep-down-in-my-heart-soulful filling in the cracks and crannies...My words sort of stream tonight in a random melange of chaos...but I pray you find grace FOR YOU, too, in them as you read....