...and my heart whispers, "Thank you, Jesus."
If she only knew the pathways He has taken me down to bring me to the place where someone could see Him with graceful movements flowing in my being.
I am judgmental.
I am filled with insecurites.
I am jealous and scared and overwhelmed.
By my own pride
and comparisons
and struggles
and desires...
BUT grace...
She appears on the scene clothed in a garment of white, smooth, silky to the touch like ice cream as it floats down your throat.
She is that favorite blanket warm from the dryer.
She is your kitty of a decade snuggled close to your arm.
She is kindness and joy, healing and mercy.
She is graceful...

With a heart full tonight, I write. Spent an hour and a half with kindreds at this amazing little party on the Twitter-verse....and I feel like my cup is overflowing in a way-deep-down-in-my-heart-soulful filling in the cracks and crannies...My words sort of stream tonight in a random melange of chaos...but I pray you find grace FOR YOU, too, in them as you read....

So loved our chat tonight. His presence was so thick with every word. Feeling so blessed to call you all friends tonight. Blessings.
I am so glad you are not afraid to share your humanity with us. I am so glad God is not afraid of our humanity. Blessed to be in community with you. I cannot believe we can meet face to face soon. I am so happy and nervous about Allume :) Blessings to you...
Oh, you are really going to love it....it is so special and Jesus speaks to you BIG TIME through the community AS MUCH AS through the sessions. It is sort of surprising! Thank you for coming here today!
ME TOO!! It was truly amazing how much He bathed our words with His grace...so encouraging! Thank you for stopping by tonight!
Beautifully transparent ~ what I've grown to love about your space. So thankful for grace.
So so wonderful. I just love the beautiful grace skipping off these lines, the overflow of your heart. Wishing His, Grace...Elizabeth
Love your honesty and the way God speaks to a heavy soul through voices on a twitter stream. So nice to chat with you last night at the #fmfparty.
I'm still in the clouds from our time together last night, Lindsey! And even today I mean it...you truly do ooze grace. Beautiful, captivating grace. What a beautiful write straight from the heart! So blessed by you. See you next week, too? :)
So, so lovely... beautiful prose. Just perfect :) So full of grace!
First of all...I love this. Every part of it. Every syllable and stream of melange. I am incredibly grateful I joined in last night. For as long as I've participated in 5MF, the "party" was something that blessed me far beyond any expectation.
Thank you for all of your loveliness. Than you for your words here. For the truth in all of us. Fleshly imperfections, dripping over all things. Yet the "favorite blanket from the dryer" warms the icicles of our sin, and His mercy washes us comfy pure again. Bask in that. Wrap yourself in that, not in your downfalls. That is a place we're never meant to take up residence nor focus.
So appreciate you today.
(2nd and less important question: I have blogger too, and I've tried to use Disqus as my comments, but it's not working. How did you do it??)
I loved being a the party last night. Love what you said BUT GRACE! Amen! Be blessed:)
Loved this "random" posting. It's a umm...graceful way to tackle the prompt :) Sounds like we had some similar ideas going last night. I guess Twitter-partying is like chicken soul for the writer's soul.
Thank you so much for that...you put courage in my soul with your words. Yes! Cannot wait for next week...can't believe I didn't hear about this party sooner!
Thank you, Ms. Kathleen....you ALWAYS bless me with your words!
I know...it was awesome! And I never knew about the party until last week..how long has it been going on? I think I have been off Twitter so much this summer that I totally missed the tweets...
Thank you for your encouragement here! So awesome!
Man....as far as Disqus...I cannot remember how I did it. I love it b/c you can reply directly to the commenter. I will try to remember and let you know. I will look at my design template and see if that jogs my memory. I feel like I saw it from a fellow 5 min Friday-er and set it up from a tutorial somewhere....I'll find out for you!
But grace indeed! I often wonder how different my life would be and it makes me thankful...
Hahahah...thanks, Sabrina! I need to hop over to your space. And the Twitter party...yes...what a fun way to put it! It fed me in SO many ways!
Thank you! :)
Oh this is beautiful! And so me. Every bit. All of it covered up with a mask of confidence!
such lovely, lovely words. I was so glad we "met" last night. What a pleasure! If those are your "melange of chaos" I wonder what your other sort of writing will be! Hugs and thank yous....
My word is messy...but for grace. I yell at my kids...but for grace. I get frustrated...but for grace. So thankful for His grace poured out. I may have to check out the Twitter party. What time on Thursday night?
Beautifully written. You "show, don't tell" well. :)
oh wow...what a compliment! Thank you so much! Appreciate you stopping by!
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