Ah, but a man's reach
should exceed his grasp
or what's a heaven for?
~Robert Browning
photo credit - @the billyllama
I used to count myself among the dreamers.
When I was a little girl.
Although I did not think about it much.
Cause I was too busy dreaming.
And somehow I grew up.
Out of that little girl skin.
And threw off the dreamer's gaze
And looked instead through eyes
of practicality
and purpose.
That isn't all bad.
If done for the right reasons.
The right motives.
The right timing.
But I thought I had to grow up.
Grow wiser.
Appear calmer.
Seem a little more centered.
In doing that,
I hurt my soul
I robbed the world
I stole His heartbeat
for me
for my destiny
for those He has called me to.
"Dream a dream so big that unless God intervenes it will fail."
Words by a great missionary man
by the name of Hudson Taylor more than one hundred years ago
as he forged the path for inland missions in China.
I used to quote him.
In the quiet,
I still do.
But now I am raising my voice
A little higher.
A little louder.
A little sillier.
A little more abandon.
A little less sense.
To reach
higher than I can
So He can.
Let the little girl dream again.
Let the little girl dream.
Pssstt....just a little side note. Sparrow Records is helping me give away 5 of Matthew West's NEW album Into The Light with a journal. PLUS ONE extra person will receive a bundle of ALL of Matthew West's albums and said journal. What a steal!
Giveaway ends Midnight, Sunday, September 30th. Don't miss it!!

Yes, Lindsey, let her dream!! Love this -- and how you encourage me and everyone who reads to see what He sees in us . . and dream what He has for us . . just, uniquely, for us. Bless you!
Amen! Thank you, Jenn! I really pray that it does...that we all see ourselves in that little girl... #LoveYou
Oh Lindsey! Yes! I love this! Dream those gigantic dreams, girlfriend--let Him show you how He brings them to life!! Xxoo
Lindsey don't ever grow up...it's highly overrated! Ha! So glad you figured it out! ;)
Just beautiful. I love your heart and your desire to reach for Him, to reach out to those He called you to. I love that Taylor quote. Just perfect timing...
Blessings to you, friend.
I always love hopping by your place. Your words bless and stir my soul always!!! Oh that we should dream BIG again. Yes, so big that our God will honor and show up and bring to fruition. Thanks for the challenge! Oh to be as a child again . . .
Oh, I love that you are dreaming again. We need to be who He wants us to be, don't we?!! Great post!
How did you fit all that into 5 minutes? Thanks for the gift. I'm so glad that we got to chat a bit last night.
yes! I fight that struggle, the balance between being an adult and dreaming. I've missed a lot of fun and freedom in my life because of it, and now with my little girl, I can finally give myself grace to be myself again :)
"Let the children come unto me..." AMEN! You are such a precious child of the Father and how He delights in you! Bless you and have a weekend full of laughter :)
Oh my heart....wants to leave it all and join you in this! YES! Let's be crazy....upside down. free....
what a beautiful write, friend. Loved chatting with you last night!
(and I don't think our chat is done....) :)
Dreaming big dreams with you friend. Reaching for all He has for us. So love your heart and am so blessed by you and your words. Thank you so much for sharing! Blessings!
DREAM!! I've often wondered why the dreams of our childhood, our youth pass by, forgotten. Maybe we're too afraid to dream that big. Maybe it's a lack of trust. For me it was both.
Thank you for your continued inspiration. I want to dream so big that only supernatural intervention can make it happen ~ to HIS glory!
I've recently discovered that in giving up my little girl dreams and sense of wonder for my "adult" life has made me a not-very-fun-adult. I've been embracing the silly, the loud and of course the dreams and I sure to enjoy the kiddos in my life when I do so! Good of you, Lindsey! Fabulous writing. :)
Thanks, Mindy! Love that! Thank you for coming over today!
Thank you, Michele! I love Hudson Taylor...amazing man...and some great quotes out there! Appreciate you!
Let's...let's dream and dance and sing with abandon together wildly, hair flying free, in the fields, stars up high...can you see it? beautiful, right? AND SO MUCH FUN!!
And thank you....YES...we need more chat time!
Yes, let that little girl dream again and let those dreams flow out of the woman you've become. Look forward to seeing them spill out.
Sometimes I think we lose that freedom of abandonment. We become afraid of what people think, of failing, of not measuring up to our ideals....so I long to capture that childlike wonder again, especially in trusting that my Father has "got this" in the bag for me....for all of His girls!
That is awesome, Crystal! I think we THINK we have to be so grown up. I love how children KEEP us young, alive, vibrant, and dreaming....
Thank you, Alene! You are ALWAYS so kind and true and loving. I like that about you. I love to think of it how you said it...."God will honor and show up and bring to fruition.." Yes! We can bring the children out in each other...dancing free!
Ms. Kathleen! You are always so full of encouragement! I truly appreciate it! Praying your weekend is going beautifully as well!
Dream and reach, girl!! Being a grown up is seriously overrated.. at times, any way. I love Hudson Taylor and that quote. Be blessed as you dream those big dreams again!
Jamie @ One Blessed Lady
Yes and Amen. Thank you, Becky! Do you have a blog? Would love to check it out if you would have time to slip it back into the comments here?
Well, it was honestly about 6...{blush} but some weeks I find that the words flow and others I find that I am just stumbling through. Thank you for your kind words. I am glad we got to chat too...really enjoying getting to know people at the FMFparty.
Thank you, Wendy! Breathing in all the dreams He has for me....and praying you are doing the same....
Oh, I am so glad, Laurie, you are embracing the fun again! I think as women we get so caught up in the worries and woes of adulthood that we forget to BE that little girl. She IS us....in all the best ways! Thank you for your words!
Thank you so much, Samantha! I am warmed to share this journey with you!
Hahaha...love it! You are right, overrated for sure!! Hudson Taylor IS amazing! Thank you so much, Jamie...for your words AND your visit!
Fly, Lindsey, fly!!
Me too. Me too. :)
Loved your poem! I wonder where we got the idea that growing up means putting dreams aside? Worse yet, I wonder why no one bothers to correct our thinking while we're still young?
Keep reaching, girl! So that He can :)
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