Friday, September 28, 2012

Five Minute Friday :: Grasp

Ah, but a man's reach 
should exceed his grasp 
or what's a heaven for?
~Robert Browning

gate to heaven
photo credit - @the billyllama

I used to count myself among the dreamers.
When I was a little girl.
Although I did not think about it much.
Cause I was too busy dreaming.

And somehow I grew up.
Out of that little girl skin.
And threw off the dreamer's gaze
And looked instead through eyes
of practicality
and purpose.

That isn't all bad.
If done for the right reasons.
The right motives.
The right timing.

But I thought I had to grow up.
Grow wiser.
Appear calmer.
Seem a little more centered.

In doing that,
I hurt my soul
I robbed the world
I stole His heartbeat
for me
for my destiny
for those He has called me to.

"Dream a dream so big that unless God intervenes it will fail."
Words by a great missionary man
by the name of Hudson Taylor more than one hundred years ago
as he forged the path for inland missions in China.

I used to quote him.
In the quiet,
I still do.

But now I am raising my voice
A little higher.
A little louder.
A little sillier.
A little more abandon.
A little less sense.

To reach
higher than I can
So He can.

Let the little girl dream again.
Let the little girl dream.

Pssstt....just a little side note. Sparrow Records is helping me give away 5 of Matthew West's NEW album Into The Light with a journal. PLUS ONE extra person will receive a bundle of ALL of Matthew West's albums and said journal. What a steal!

Giveaway ends Midnight, Sunday, September 30th. Don't miss it!!

Five Minute Friday
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