Sunday, September 9, 2012

Project 365 :: Day 246-252

This week was filled with a lot of normal, 
yet beautiful,
 days of life and love and laughter.
The older I get, "normal" becomes oh-so-AMAZING's my week in pictures....

Day 246 :: Morris found a new sleeping corner - in an empty water box.
Most days he is curled up like a shrimp in that space. 

Day 247 :: Hanging out on the beach for our anniversary
Even made a little tent out of sheet to protect myself from
the rainstorm while Arno body surfed the waves. #RelaxingDay 

Day 248 :: Puzzle making with Mom and Sis 

Day 249 :: Chillin' with my Mace girl while her 
Mommy picks up some food for dinner 

Day 250 :: My other homegirl, Olivia, posing with her cat - Orange Kitty 
{oh yes, that is the REAL name!} 

Day 251 :: I still drink my favorite drink every day,
but sometimes just to add a little kick,
I add fresh lime.... #MhmmmSOOOGood 

Day 252 :: Another day at the beach with my love,
enjoying the last few weeks of the summer sun

I'm on a journey, chronicling my life with a picture a day for a year. I hope to discover the world around me in my day-to-day life in a uniquely different way as well as learn more about my DSLR to better capture those precious moments. 

{Update: Taking a couple of photography classes with my sister this fall 2012...very excited!}

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