I thought I would share my thoughts of my own reflections of 2010 to keep me accountable to do it, and I hope that you will join me either in your comments below, on your own blog, or in a personal journal. I would love to hear what last year meant to you, so would you consider sharing your answer to even just one of the questions below....??
Happy Reading, Processing, and Writing!
~God saved my parents and so many loved ones in the January 12 Haiti earthquake
2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
~Waiting 18 hours to hear from my parents after the initial quake
3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?
~Spending Christmas with my family
4. What was an unexpected obstacle?
~Still not having our own little one by the end of this year
5. Pick three words to describe 2010.
~Hard. Challenging. Milestone.
6. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe your 2010 (don’t ask them; guess based on how you think your spouse sees you).
~Hard. Scary. Heart-breaking.
7. Pick three words your spouse would use to describe their 2010 (again, without asking).
~Tough. Challenging. Faith-building.
8. What were the best books you read this year?
~Hinds Feet on High Places, My Utmost for His Highest (partial), and my beloved, Anne of Green Gables series

9. With whom were your most valuable relationships?
~My husband, my parents, my sister, Pastors Bert & Charne, some KINDRED besties (you know who you are!)
10. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
~Moving from South Africa to America
11. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?
~Discovering some of my key weaknesses and how much I "can't" do alone
12. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?
~Revelled in the amazing grace of God in ways that I never expected
13. In what way(s) did you grow physically?
~Learning how to slow down, rest, listen to my body, regroup, and to stop trying to prove something to myself and/or others by how MUCH I can do (still learning.....)
14. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?
~WOW! I value people EVEN more than I did before, and I was raised with that appreciation but it increased infinitely in the past year.
15. What was the most enjoyable part of your work (both professionally and at home)?
~Connecting with "my people" -- disciples, co-workers, leaders -- sharing Jesus & life together
16. What was the most challenging part of your work (both professionally and at home)?
~Figuring out how to balance my love for the work and the people with my physical health
17. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
~Probably TV
18. What was the best way you used your time this past year?
~Learning to spend time receiving the love of the Father, starting & working on this blog, encouraging others when I can, connecting with friends {new & old} who have encouraged me
19. What was biggest thing you learned this past year?
~"I" have to stop trying to do EVERYTHING in my life and relationship with God in my own strength and ability
20. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2010 for you.
~My grace is sufficient for you, and My power is made perfect in your weaknesses...

i'm going to try to do this, myself, if i get some time but i just wanted to say that i enjoyed reading your responses. i was reminded of what a HUGE year 2010 has been for you! can't wait to see what's in store for you this year!!!
Thanks, Ali! You have been a TRUE friend in heart, words, and prayers! Love you!
i'm going to try to do this, myself, if i get some time but i just wanted to say that i enjoyed reading your responses. i was reminded of what a HUGE year 2010 has been for you! can't wait to see what's in store for you this year!!!
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