I have been thinking this past week about what I would like to share, to encourage, to evaluate, to analyze on my New Years' post. What profound thoughts or deep ponderings could I share with the world wide web? And, I felt like I came flat.
How could I encapsulate the ups and downs, the joys and tears, the laughters and sorrows that this past year had held for me?
How could I express in a different way the desperation of January 12, 2010, when an earthquake rocked the nation of Haiti and communication was cut off for agonizing hours?
How could I put into words the immense joy when I saw my mom's chat box on Facebook light up with a message after 18 hours of waiting?
How could I explain the frustration of the physical struggles that my body has been experiencing that seem unending and hold no clear answers?
How could I relate the inner paradox of leaving Africa and embarking into a season of the unknown, leaving so many loved ones behind?
How could I express how amazing it felt to hold my sister, my mom, my dad in my arms after 10 long months of separation after the earthquake?
How could I articulate the very real heartache of going through yet another year of empty arms for those Mommy desires deep in my soul?
So I began reading....other blogs...other posts....other women....other men.....their journeys....their discoveries....their challenges.....their advice....
And I thought, "Why not share that??" These amazing people whose beautiful words are like arms lifting up my inner being -- would YOU, my friends, find encouragement in some or all of their words too?
So I began reading....other blogs...other posts....other women....other men.....their journeys....their discoveries....their challenges.....their advice....
And I thought, "Why not share that??" These amazing people whose beautiful words are like arms lifting up my inner being -- would YOU, my friends, find encouragement in some or all of their words too?
So that is what I will share with you today, and in their words, I find pieces and soundbites and snippets of life and heartache and joy that I too have experienced OR encouragement and tenacity and perseverance to move forward into the unknown future.
May their words hold your hand and your heart as they have done to mine!
Check out this New Year's retrospection by Gitzen Girl, Sara Frankl, who struggles with a debilitating disease yet is learning to live a life on purpose.
"Imagine if we all went about our lives remembering the core of who we are… a Spirit born in the image of Christ… who is sent here to fulfill a purpose before going back home."

Oswald Chambers writes here, "Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him," as we look forward to and embrace this new year the Lord has planned for us.
Want to set goals and plans for the upcoming year ahead? Tsh Oxenreider shares twenty questions to ask yourself to evaluate last year for the purpose of helping you walk IN PURPOSE for the future that God has set out for you as you look into next year and maybe even set some goals (please don't feel overwhelmed or pressured by this or the list...haven't done it yet myself, but my "goal" is to at least try...hahahaha)
And with that being said and/or done, Jo Myles reminds us to put "our plans" back into the hands of the Father, trusting that He has the best for us.....
We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." -C.S. Lewis
And finally, at Heart to Heart with Holley, she blesses us with a prayer filled with the Word that we can make our own to pray for this upcoming year filled with promise and trust in Him "who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly...."
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