Learning to dream, learning to be thankful, learning to love with my whole heart again....
This process has been one of brokenness & sorrow, of tears & fears.
And yet, I am grateful...in many ways....and where I am not grateful....I am learning....or at least trying to learn...to express my gratitude, even if just in silent ways.
These quotes I found in a journal from from over 10 years ago...written by my 21-year-old self during a season of brokenness which I have now learned LOADS from. With that insight, I pray in 10 years from now that I will also have that same perspective on life's current moments of heartaches and questioning.
"This [brokenness] is what needs to be accepted. Unfortunately, this is what we tend to reject. Here the seeds of a corrosive self-hatred take root. This painful vulnerability is the characteristic feature of our humanity that most needs to be embraced in order to restore our human condition to a healed state."
-Nicholas Harman
"Our courteous Lord does not want His servants to despair because they fall often and grievously; for our falling does not hinder him in loving us."
-Julian of Norwich
"If we conceal our wounds out of fear and shame, our inner darkness can neither be illuminated nor become a light for other. We cling to our bad feelings and beat ourselves with the past when what we should do is let go."
-Brennan Manning
"In Love's service, only wounded soldiers can serve."
...and MY favorite of all these quotes....
"Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty and sadness and remains far behind yours. Were it not otherwise he would never have been able to find these words."
2 Corinthians 12:9
"I shall be very happy to make my weaknesses my special boast
that the power of Christ may stay over me."
***I am joining Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Friday. Putting this post together took a little longer than 5 minutes as I was re-typing these quotes from my journal, by my personal addition above was less than 5 minutes. I share this in the interest of transparency. :)
If you would like to read some more 5 minute bloggers' posts on being grateful or if you would like to link up your own post, click on the badge below.
Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Love it, I have also found those things to be so true.
loved the reminder of how God sees and loves us, and love your blog in general :)
trying to learn to be grateful right alongside you. i love me some good quotes.
In this brokeness ... this raw weakness ... God works at perfecting us. I loved this post. I love how you write your very soul here.
You bless us.
That last quote is amazing! Thanks for sharing... Im glad I found you today.
The truth, even though I cannot feel it right now, is that I am the
chosen child of God, precious in God's eyes, called the Beloved from all
eternity and held safe in an everlasting embrace... We must dare to opt
consciously for our chosenness and not allow our emotions, feelings, or
passions to seduce us into self-rejection.
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Very moving. Thanks so much for sharing this with the NOBH.
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