Day 85 :: My favorite flower and signs of spring

Day 86 :: This is how I spent my weekend,
working on mailing the Save the Date
for Evangelistic World Outreach's Summer Gala
40 Years, Baby!!

Day 87 :: Indoor Water Play
Day 88 :: More of my favorite flower {tulips} from my sister's garden

Day 89 :: Visiting my love at his work
Day 90 :: Tired :(
Day 92 :: Spent the weekend sick and hibernating.
I even forgot to take a picture on Saturday (Day 91)
The kitties enjoyed the extra snuggles.
Day 93(1) :: NEW purple tights. I'm kind of in love.

Day 93(2):: Arno pumping up his new kite for the first time.

Day 94 :: Time to get my hair done...I LOVE going to the salon

Day 95 :: Straightening out the lines...
this kite boarding is some serious business
Day 96 :: I have a bit of a love affair with the moonlight....
I'm on a journey to chronicle my life with a picture a day for a year. I hope to discover the world around me in my day-to-day life in a uniquely different way as well as learn more about my DSLR to better capture those precious moments. Linking up with my friend Paige and others who are taking this challenge too.
I love that photo of the moon, clouds, and pine tree shadows!!!
Thank you! The moon has been so beautiful in the past few days!
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