In our journeys, we meet a lot of people along the way -- people who change and shape our lives whether they are in it for a moment or a lifetime. I have heard, maybe you have to, that some people are in our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Here are a few that have crossed my path today and challenged and encouraged me.
(names have been changed to protect the identities of my new connections)
[they probably wouldn't care but that was fun to say)...:)]
1) Carmen - a 21 year old married mommy living in another country, struggling with being away from "home" & family, but choosing to find courage and strength and purpose and HOPE so that she can look back and see how she carried JOY in her journey
Carmen gives me hope to change my outlook on my "dark" days to CHOOSE to be the person that I want my children to look up to in 30 years--HOPE!
2) Lillian - a 45 year old woman given a potential unchangeable diagnosis 2 years ago, has been finding solutions that have been changing her outlook and daily energy levels
Lillian shows me hope because I, too, have been hit with the same potential diagnosis and I am encouraged to meet someone who has walked through it and come out on the other side--not perfect, but thriving--HOPE!
3) Shelby - a 30-something woman who is a missionary mommy sharing her journey through blogging, being transparent and honest and putting herself out there
Shelby challenges me with hope to be able use my talents and giftings in ANY way I can to encourage the people that God places in my world. I, too, can let God use me to give HOPE!
Here is a post from Shelby that you might also find encouraging today...
Wha'd you think you came here for
Wha'd you think you came here for
Who are some of the faces and their stories that give YOU hope today?

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