I love the parable of the Prodigal Son, and I know the story well. I have taught it many times from Sunday School classes to Women's Encounters, and I love the story of the father ALWAYS believing and hoping and longing for his son to come home.
Yesterday, I was listening again to Your Love Never Fails by Jesus Culture (I will post again since only maybe 5 of you actually read all my posts ...:)
Yesterday, I was listening again to Your Love Never Fails by Jesus Culture (I will post again since only maybe 5 of you actually read all my posts ...:)
....so I was listening and this song just encourages me every time I listen to it from the very first and my favorite line..."Nothing can separate, even if I run away -- Your love never fails."
And then my mind went back to the Prodigal Son. I suppose in all the years of teaching and studying this parable, I have never thought that I was the prodigal because I didn't have major rebellious episodes with my parents, choose a partying lifestyle, or link up with wild friends.
However, the prodigal WAS someone just like me.
He grew up in the father's house.
He watched how his father ran the farm.
He observed how his father treated the servants.
He experienced the generosity of the father.
He KNEW the father's love.
Yet...he wanted his own way. He wasn't satisfied with the Father's timing. He was impatient to do what he wanted with his inheritance.
Aren't we all that way sometimes? I know I have been. I get impatient with my Father's plan. I have complained about His timing or what seems like a "lack of timing" in my mind. I have analyzed and suggested a plan that I think is best. I have been angry and thrown "spiritual" temper tantrums or frozen Him out.
Yet His love never fails.....even if I run away.....
He is ALWAYS waiting and drawing my heart back to Him. He wants me. He longs to share His plans and His future FOR me WITH me. He wants my best. His plan has TRULY incorporated that even when I can't see it or don't believe. He truly "...makes all things work together for my good..." as the song goes on to proclaim.

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