Friday, December 30, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Open

What a fun and amazing journey it has been this year, learning and growing through this 5 minute risk-writing!!

It isn't easy. It never is. To put your heart out there in 5 minutes, knowing that your filter is significantly less and that you may reveal something that you normally hide so well. Or that your words will not measure up to the beauty revealed through the other amazing writers joining their morsels on this journey.

Lisa-Jo said this on Twitter yesterday, "I can only write what I know. Not what you know. That's why what we both write matters."

And I remember this mantra that I would remind myself of during my teen years and college days, "Use the talents you possess, for imagine how silent the woods would be if the only birds that sang were the best."

And so I write....
And since I was a part of the first prompt of the year, I am thrilled to be participating in rounding the year off with these 5 minutes.

Topic :: OPEN


Wide open spaces.
Open hearts.
Open minds.

The search for significance

The desire to be held
to be known
to be understood
to be accepted

This journey of life crashing and flowing like the ever present tide filling our broken places and then revealing them again.
In the cracks, somehow.
In the in-between
In the moments where light and dark, death and life, freedom and walls meet.

Open Hands

my pain
my sin
my weakness
my broken heart

And she is there, whispering truth and promise and hope
yielding life and joy with her breath......


If you have always wondered about Five Minute Friday, but never hopped over, won't you do that today? And maybe even join in?? You do not have to even have a blog. You can do 5 minutes in the comments below.

It's fun.
It's freeing.
It's scary.
It's life-changing.

Adventure with me???

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