But the dance He had for me did not lead me down the ballerina road. Fear and trepidation of harsh French instructors on Haitian soil held me back from grasping that dream.
Until twenty years later, when I really learned to dance, not just the dance of plie and releve, the dance of boldness and confidence, the dance of reckless abandon, giving place to the starry eyed two year old dream, locked deeply in my artist soul.
And finally I walked on stage as programs displayed the title, DREAMS DO COME TRUE, as a woman leaping into her childhood soul, playing out the fantasy that may never had come true.....
....if He had not taught me a different dance, the dance of the abandoned soul.

*photo credit

It's such a process, learning to be free, to overcome fear. Thanks for sharing this!
This is so encouraging to know that because a dream wasn't realized in one season of life doesn't mean it won't ever happen. Keep dancing in boldness!
The dance of the abandoned soul. I absolutely love that! It's the best dance of all!
So beautifully said, my friend.
Thanks....a lifelong journey learning to dance to the rhythm of HIs heart and not my own alone.
Thanks, Amy...and thanks for wording it like that...I feel like it is my lifelong lesson to trust in His timing....dancing as He leads.
Thank you, Angela! And you are right...it IS a process. Some days I feel like I am finally just STARTING to really learn it!!
Beautiful, Lindsey. I immediately thought of you when I saw this week's prompt... I know you love dancing and it seemed right up your alley. Your life, too, is a dance worth watching. Love you, friend!
That means so much that you remembered that about me! And you bless my heart with your words. Thankful to know you...for so many reasons!
I absolutely LOVE this post! You spoke the words in my head before I could think them :)
Oh, Emily! That makes my writer {and dancer} heart soar! Thank you for stopping over here and for your words!
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