I'm Gonna Love It!
{I mean, she has red hair after all!}
No but seriously, there is something so thrilling about taking a risk, stepping away from what you have always known, recognizing the dreamer inside of you and leaping out in faith.
But now for the truth....
Being brave is not as easy the older you get. In fact, somehow it only seems to get scarier and scarier. The boogey men hiding in your closet are real, and those firefly dreams do not always come true.
At least not the way you planned.
And somehow THERE in THAT...in that unplanned, unscripted, unexpected place, the real live grown up big girl risk-taking comes into play.
Will you trust that HE knows better, loves deeper, plans farther into every intricate step of your future?
Will you be BRAVE?
Will I?
I am flying out in a few hours {currently 1am EST} to spend a week in Haiti
with my parents and my sister assisting with ministry
as they wrap up for the summer.
Your prayers for traveling mercies and blessings
throughout the week would be
SO greatly appreciated!!