Sunday, June 10, 2012

Project 365 :: Day 150-161

Life has been fast-paced and filled with activity over the past few weeks,
and I look forward to {hopefully} getting back into a routine 
this upcoming week.  

One thing that has stayed consistent, however, 
is snapping a daily pic or two {or fifty!}to share here with you! 
It is one of the most precious and enjoyable parts of my day....
the moment where I take the camera in my hand 
and capture art in a little box.

I hope you are enjoying the journey along with me!

Day 150 :: "I've got sunshine...." 

Day 151 :: The fairie forest in my front yard 

Day 152 :: My mom's gorgeous hydrangea bush 

Day 153 :: And the weekend celebrations begin on Friday night
for my sister's 30th! Happy Birthday, Kasi! 

Day 154 :: And the BIG surprise of the birthday weekend....
Mom and Dad flying in from Haiti! 

Day 155 :: A little baked love for my bokkie to thank him 
for letting me be free to do all of the birthday stuff including
an overnight away! 

Day 156 :: This picture is sort of a miracle one.
My grandparents have lived separated for over 40 years, 
and now they are getting along like I have never seen in my 
lifetime. I snapped this pic of them walking to the car.

Day 157 :: So if you have ever wondered where I 
get my random, carefree, be-yourself-no-matter-where-you-are
sensibilities, this might give you a glimpse.
Yeah. These are my parents.
Dancing in Lowe's.

Day 158 :: An afternoon snack at the new homestead.

Day 159 :: Sisterly Silliness
My mom and her sister laughed so much during this
random photo moment that I do not know if
I ever got one of both of them looking at the camera
but look how cute this is! 

Day 160 :: Date night with my bokkie.
Movie on the screen - The Avengers 

Day 161 :: Purple Love 
Don't you just love my new purple rain boots!?!
Eeeee! First ones I have owned since childhood!

I'm on a journey, chronicling my life with a picture a day for a year. I hope to discover the world around me in my day-to-day life in a uniquely different way as well as learn more about my DSLR to better capture those precious moments. 

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