Relevant Magazine praised Matt as "Monty Python meets C.S. Lewis," which totally grabbed my attention, and I was not disappointed. While the randomness of the story confused me and caused me to struggle to enter in to the storyline for the first couple of chapters, as I carried on, I was impressed by the depth of theological understanding juxtaposed with the open transparency of today's culture.
Additionally, as a blogger, finding word treasures sprinkled throughout the book found me highlighting to savor again and again like "bone-white moon," "attractive brains," and "the pain tears like glass in the intestines."
And today one of YOU will get to win a FREE copy of this book! Isn't that great??
Here's how you can enter ::
1) Leave a comment telling me what the scariest monster is to you.
2) Become a follower on either Google Friend Connect or Networked Blogs. If you already are that's fine, too!
3) Tweet and/or share on Facebook the following...
@MattMikalatos #NightOf the Living Dead from @TyndaleHouse challenges you to find the monster in you via @lindseyfoj http://bit.ly/uUZqGw
4) Follow @lindseyfoj on Twitter.
That is 4 ways to enter!! Giveaway ends Tuesday, December 20th at Midnight EST when random number generator will choose one winner. Certificate will be mailed to the winner just in time for Christmas -- to keep or to give away!!
Check out more of Matt Mikalatos at ::
Still not convinced...check out this video from the author :
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Totally sounds like an interesting book and one worth reading! I really think the scariest monster to me is fear. It is so paralyzing!
Of course I follow! :)
I tweeted!
And I follow you on Twitter.
Ha ha. Looks like Jen is a serious contender to win the book!
Lindsey, thanks for the great post and the review. I'm glad you enjoyed NLDC!
He is such a great writer!!
Have you read his book "Imaginary Jesus?"
(Really torn about the grammar of that sentence. Know that the question mark is NOT part o the title.)
Scariest monster is a black and yellow, giant spider on its web right in front of my face.
As a kid, pretty much any monster would have done it for me. Werewolves were scary, but my bed covers took care of them. I remember being freaked out by the movie "the blob" which is kinda funny when you think about it because it moved so slowly but it was untiring and relentless - Once they found out it didn't like cold they just put it in the arctic somewhere. Later on I was pretty scared by Freddy. He freaked me out because there's just nothing you could do. If you fell asleep he'd get you. I like to sleep and the covers didn't seem to help in this situation..
I loved Matt's first book and I'm a big fan. Thanks for the post.
Lelia...do you have an email address that you can send to me please?
Great review! If any of your commenters are looking for a second chance to get a copy (I see your date has passed), I'm still at zero entries on a similar giveaway on my site (http://wp.me/p1Gr8Y-q8). The deadline I've got is this Friday by midnight PST. If they mention you sent them, I'll toss in an extra entry for them...
(Not to steal thunder from you by any means - just hoping someone can get a second chance...)
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