Here are her words....
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most important: visit, comment, encourage the person before you.
OK, are you ready?
Give me your best five minutes on Connected.
I take my hand, interlocking fingers into his.
I feel....connected.
I look across the table and she laughs at that same silly story I've told a hundred times.
I feel....connected.
I sit next to her hospital bed, the woman who gave my life from her body, and I take care of her for this momentary need.
I feel....connected.
I sit with my baby sister, who is not so much a baby anymore, and we watch a video with that famous person that reminds us of an old friend. We laugh and...
I feel....connected.
Words. Moments. Glances.
Memories encapsulated in time.
Hearts that no longer beat the same alone.
Lives that no more travel in solitary motion.
Won't you join me or maybe visit some of these other brave souls putting their words out their with no restraint??

love...lives that no more travel in solitary motion...
I liked how you showed different forms & levels of connectedness here. People whose hearts beat the same should never be alone. It's a shame that many times, we do indeed feel alone, unconnected. Thankfully so much can happen with even just a glance :-)
Connection can bless tremendously, can't it? Lovely post.
This is beautitful, Lindsey. That last line is so touching.
Heather @ Find That Warm Fuzzy Feeling
I love your post! So happy and beautiful and all sorts of connections.
Such beautiful snapshots. You make me want to collect more of my own word-heart pictures. Thanks so much, Lindsey.
Yes --- I love those moments.
And... on a side note.
The other night I had a dream that I met you in real life.
It was awesome.
Just sayin'.
Love these little moments, these little glimpses of the various connections that make up your life, Lindsey... You are a gift to those who are blessedly connected to you! ;) And BTW, Thanks about the photo- it does have sort of a 'Gone-with-the -Wind" feel, I hadn't relaized until you said so! ;)
and to you...blessings...thank you for stopping here...
I know. I, too, have felt alone, often, in spite of those I know I have in my life. I think that is when the connection of the Father is the greatest need for our hearts that can only truly find solace in the empty place HE alone was meant to fill.
Thank you, Caroline...and means SO much!!
Thank you, Heather!
Where are you from? My husband is from South Africa and often says "cheers" as a closing to people.....
Thank you, Katy! Learning to be thankful for those that ARE there and not just what I want!
Ooo...would love to hear yours!! Thank you, friend!
I am sorry that I am just commenting on this...IRL...really? How awesome is that? Are you going to any blogging conferences this year? Blissdom? Relevant?
Yes...your pic totally reminded me of that scene where she uses the curtains to make a dress....haahhahaaa
Thank you for your be called a gift is a treasure to my heart. It means so much to me....
It was awesome. So completely chill. :) And no. I don't think so. We just don't have the budget, especially when you count travel TO the conference, and then STAYING somewhere during the conference... I wish. :)
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