Here's my 5 minutes....cause on Fridays....that just seems right.
Not a lot of editing or analyzing.
Just pure heart and love of the written word...
This week's topic: REST
Six years ago, on this very day, I had a meltdown.
I had been engaged for just a little over 3 months, and my wedding day was the next day.
I suffer from a terrible condition....
And I realized that there were SO many details that still needed to happen, and I got overwhelmed by the magnitude of them.
I locked myself in my bathroom & wouldn't let my sister or my fiance come in.
I know. I know.
Dramatic, right?
I am just SO VERY thankful is was only the two of them that saw me at that moment.
But I had my cry. I got out all the emotions. I realized that a village....TRULY a whole village had come together from across the States to help me put my special day together, and they were busy working so I could enjoy this joyous season of my life.
So I took a deep breath, and I faced the day.
My favorite part of that day was arriving at the rehearsal that night.
I remember sitting on the steps of the stage in the sanctuary, putting on my makeup, and just being so thankful.....
For my amazing family
For the best friends a girl could ask for
For the generosity of so many people who gave of their time & money to give me the best they could.
Of course....
For God....
for bringing to me the VERY best.....the LOVE of my Life....
And I knew that "tomorrow" I would get to start the first day....
....Of The REST Of Our Lives....
Happy 6th Anniversary, Baby!
I cannot imagine my life without you....I don't even want to try!

What a great use of the prompt "rest"...never thought of it that way. And Congrats on your anniversary!
It's nice to meet you from Gypsy Mama's blog. As a sister perfectionist, I utterly empathize with locking oneself in the bathroom to cry it all out. I like the way you took "rest" in a different meaning direction than I did (remainder instead of relaxing).
My husband is an African-American, too, but only because he was born in Tanzania to missionary parents and therefore held dual citizenship until age 18. I enjoyed visiting your blog home. Grace and peace to you in Jesus, and congratulations on your anniversary!
Probably the most unique "rest" post I've read! So beautiful!
awwwwwww I LOVE the take you took on this one. beautiful and so very happy and fun. well the end of it at least :)
Thank you, Jenny! You are so sweet!
First of all...thank you so much for understanding!! I think only "true" perfectionists ever really "get" each other!!
How exciting about your husband being born and raised in Tanzania! I was born and raised in Haiti so I had dual citizenship until 18 as well.
I am looking forward to visiting your blog...I have a sense that you are a kindred spirit with the perfectionism in common as well as you being married to an MK {we are kind of a "special" breed to comprehend}....yay...I am getting excited now! ;-)
Thank you, Brittany! I love that! And thanks, too, for stopping by!
Thanks, Katy! It was a CRAZY and BEAUTIFUL day all at the same time. My sister had fun recounting that story last night with the family after she read my blog....hahahahaha....good times!!
Lindsey V! You are so great! Love the play on the word REST. And that pic of you and your husband singing with all your heart at your wedding. SOOOO much gratefulness in that one picture. awesome
Six years ago on the 2nd of September, my husband arrived in the states! Happy anniversaries, all around!
Thanks, girl! I really appreciate your kind words!
Oh wow, cool! Where is he from??
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