Will you sit with me here for awhile, My child?
Stay here beside Me.
Crawl up into my lap.
Quiet your heart.
Rest in the questions.
Embrace the unknown.
For you are safe.
Safe in My arms.
Safe in My heartbeat.
Safe in the shelter of the wings of My almighty arms.
Come to Me.
Stay for awhile.
Quiet your heart and soul
To the rhythms of Me
and my plans for you.
Rest in the knowledge
That I have you
I want you
I know you
I long for you.
Will you stay?
Will you allow Me to share with you
the unspeakable things that the universe cannot contain,
the secrets of a world beyond this one,
the understandings of the place where deep calls out to fathomless deep?
If only you will stay for awhile,
Trusting in My promise
To never leave
To never forsake
To never abandon.
Always to stay.

Welcome to my (in) This Season pals and ANY fellow bloggers really...would you share YOUR 5 minutes with me or maybe just a recent post that really speaks to your heart or a lesson that Jesus has been teaching you? I would love to read along...
What treasures you have spoken to me. I'm stopping by via FMF and I praise the Lord for this heartfelt post. It is speaking to me very deeply.
I really never write from this perspective, of God speaking to me. I sometimes wonder why not. Sometimes I wonder if I haven't fully grasped His calls and promise to me and can't verbalize them even though I believe they are true. Those are my rambly thoughts this morning. I do love it when I read it though. It speaks volumes of His love and care. Thanks, friend.
Amazing word of encouragement, from the ONE who wants us to stay. Thanks you. Shalom
You had me at "embrace the unknown" :)
In choosing to embrace what we don't know, what we can't see, what we have no hints about ahead is a way of actively showing God that we do indeed trust Him. It'll be easier for us to relax and relish His embrace when we truly trust Him deep within our core.
Thank you for these precious reminders that are so big and so intimate at the same time. They are so easy to Gorey when we are wandering aimlessly.
Oh how I love when He calls for us to just BE with Him. To crawl up into our Daddy's lap and be embraced. Love your words today friend. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
Staying and resting in the questions...so hard to do. But, often, unless we stay we don't get the answers our hearts need.
LOVE this... is this not His call to each of us? To stay awhile...! "Rest in the questions. Embrace the unknown."
Oh My! So hard to do - but so vital! Thanks for this!
Beautiful words, sweet friend!! I love the thought of him wooing me, calling me, wanting to spend time with me. How thankful!! I want to stay there, right next to him.
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