Friday, November 30, 2012

Five Minute Friday :: Wonder

I think a lot.
Not like in a I'm-so-intellectual kind of way
In a I-think-everything-can-be-analyzed type of living.

This is good.
....and bad.

I savor moments to the richest and most delightful detail.
I revel in the meaning of every person and interaction.
I see the value in so many things.

And then....

I ache with the knowledge of the ugly-truth behind every corner.
I cannot side-step the realities that my mind MUST uncover.
I long for days where peace reigns over process.
Yet that is not my lot.

I wonder.
and wonder
and wonder
about everything.

But I would not trade that
I wonder...with wonder a world that bows at the very presence of its Maker
every day
without even knowing the beauty behind every corner, every crack, every heartbreak.

I see the pain...yes...even feel it keenly...and yet...the wonder makes me know that there IS a better tomorrow.

So I'll keep the wonder.
I'll keep it.

Join me, friends, won't you, for the last Five Minute Friday of 2012....??
Five Minute Friday
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