Not like in a I'm-so-intellectual kind of way
In a I-think-everything-can-be-analyzed type of living.
This is good.
....and bad.
I savor moments to the richest and most delightful detail.
I revel in the meaning of every person and interaction.
I see the value in so many things.
And then....
I ache with the knowledge of the ugly-truth behind every corner.
I cannot side-step the realities that my mind MUST uncover.
I long for days where peace reigns over process.
Yet that is not my lot.
I wonder.
and wonder
and wonder
about everything.
But I would not trade that
I wonder...with wonder a world that bows at the very presence of its Maker
every day
without even knowing the beauty behind every corner, every crack, every heartbreak.
I see the pain...yes...even feel it keenly...and yet...the wonder makes me know that there IS a better tomorrow.
So I'll keep the wonder.
I'll keep it.

Join me, friends, won't you, for the last Five Minute Friday of 2012....??

living in my head as you do, I really got this. Can you believe it's the last FMF of the year? What a blessing it'[s been to me to have discovered this community.
Peace and good to you.
I wonder...with wonder<---This is beautiful. Simply beautiful friend. I so adore your heart and continue to lift you up to Him. Blessings.
There is this saying I have before going to sleep, "Fall asleep with wonder, not worry..." and it so helps me to sleep well and actually get clarity while I sleep. I'm so grateful for that and the ability to choose to wonder WITH wonder. I love hanging out with you at the FMFParty & hope your holiday season overflows with wonder... wonder... wonder...
I get this: "In a I-think-everything-can-be-analyzed type of living."
And, oh yes, this, too: "I wonder...with wonder."
Thankful for His wonder-inducing love!
Jesus is the wonder of all wonders, and I am thankful in an uncertain world, when we can wonder about so much, He has it all settled and does not wonder what to do! first thought was of the ornament my wife bought this past month. My knee-jerk response was, "well that's gonna break". Sometimes I think too far beyond what is necessary. But as you've pointed out....sometimes that can be a great avenue for God's revealing. :) Good stuff.
Fantastic post and I thoroughly relate. I to have a "marathon-mind" And I too will keep all the wonder :)
You are such a gift to me! You line "I revel in the meaning of every person and interaction. makes me think of the day we got to connect at ALLUME. The beauty behind every are so right, there is beauty in the cracks.
The more I read your writing, Lindsey, the more I want to have something special and I can't wait to get to know you better.
Lindsey, you are a treasure. I love the way you think so much about things. Holding on to the wonder that there's alsways more coming, with Him, there's always enough, always better--redemption! LOVE YOU!
Oh this was beautiful: "I long for days where peace reigns over process." Your words inspire, encourage, and point always back to Christ - thank you for that!
Wonder with wonder- love that thought! It reminds me of the "take every thought captive" verse. He created us to think and ponder, but it must always be with His glory in mind. Love how beautifully you captured that!!!
This is so beautiful and I Love this truth, AMEN! Bless you girl :) "I wonder...with a world that bows at the very presence of its Maker every day without even knowing
Beautiful Lindsey. I miss conversing with you. So I'm going to do something about that. ;) Be prepared to be nudged in hellos and little encouragements throughout the week. You've been warned.
And this - these words...fabulous. I always love when you write because I know insight and discovery are at your fingertips, and it's shared with the rest of us. How we are blessed.
Love this. "At the beauty behind every crack." Love your heart.
"But I would not trade that because I wonder, with a world that bows at the very presence of its Maker every day without the beauty behind every corner, every crack, every heartbreak." Oh, how I love this! Yes, the heartbreak, it is there, sometimes even consumingly so. But underneath, the Everlasting Arms, and I wonder at that, that powerful Grace that holds me and covers me and shields me during life's darkest tribulations. Thank you for this poetry to cast light into a deep corner of an aching soul - and remind me that He does, indeed, work all things for good for those who diligently seek Him (Romans 8:28).
oh, such beautiful words... reading all these 5MF's has been good for me! to remember to wonder, dream, to slow down!! :)
Oh yes, keep it. It looks good on you.
"I wonder with wonder..." sometimes I wonder if that's all He's ever asked of us
Love your heart, friend! Hugs to you!
Now that I've spend time with you, I TOTALLY get this post, your wonder:)) I love this vulnerable side of you, sharing what "wonders" you. Thank you for your ending encouragement: "I see the pain...yes...even feel it keenly...and yet...the wonder makes me know that there IS a better tomorrow." I'm holding onto to that, Linds!
Love your thoughts on wonder. How you wonder about all in amazement is contagious. Blessings sweet friend.
Love what you said... "wonder with wonder." I never want to stop being filled with wonder.
I nominated you for an award :) Bless You Girl!
Aww..friend...that is so terribly sweet! Thank you!
I know...right? For awhile there...I thought I had lost it thankful how the Lord has deepened that for me...finding my wonder with more richness than before!
I love that...being contagious...especially with something like reminds me to STAY childlike no matter the circumstances!
Thank you...this past week I needed to hold onto that too...these words came from the heartaches JUST LAST WEEK in my own soul...and hours later after these words were written I was tested even more...had to FIND the wonder in the blankness that was my world....He IS faithful...even when finding the wonder meant pulling away from the world.
Thank you so much...finding HOW the Lord has wired me to MESH these two sides has been/continues to be a lifelong are a breath of fresh your words here and on your blog and on Twitter...and I am person too!
Thank you, Julie! Excited to be "wondering" with you in group this upcoming year!
Oh..and your poetry in return quickens my heart and soul all over again and reminds me to SEE Him in everything. Hours after I wrote this post, I had the WORST day that I had had in awhile and I WONDERED if I would ever see the fulfillment of my dreams!
Thank you, Stacy! He is changing my vision all the time...and showing me how full of cracks I am...and yet there is beauty that He sees even in them....BECAUSE of them...
I miss you too, darling girl! I LOOK FORWARD with DELIGHT to the conversing...maybe even a Skype or phone call too???
You encourage me. You bless me. You breathe life into my soul. Thank you!
Amen. And thank you so much!
Yes! Exactly! I SO need His help with that..not just every day but like EVERY hour!
Oh, thank you, Crystal! That means so much to me! So thankful He is patient to love me through ALL of my processing!
Thank you, Kris! And THAT is why we are friends...have had some who get "annoyed" with my processing...and it breaks my heart! Thank you for LOVING that part of me means the world!
Oh...I am thankful every time I remember our connection at Allume. And I want to know YOU more too! Thank you for your words...they fill my soul and encourage my heart!
Jamie...I am so glad that I am not alone! yes...let's keep the wonder together!
LOL! That is awesome! I SO do that kind of stuff! Most of my life I would never get mad to the point of breaking something because I would think, "Then I have to clean it up so there is no satisfaction in that..." hahahaa
Amen. What encouraging words -- "He has it all settled and does not wonder what to do." Thank you!
So glad that I am not alone...!! Thank you for your encouragement!
I LOVE this quote...and have already shared it with others! Thank you, Julie! I enjoyed hanging with you last week too!!
Thank you, is an ongoing lesson and life journey!
Chelle...yay! I am not alone! Thank you! I am so glad you have long have you been writing FMF?
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