Sunday, November 4, 2012

Project 365 :: Day 294-306 {For Your Weekend}

Wrapping up basic photography class, a bloggers' conference, 
Hurricane Sandy, and more!
Over 300 days and counting in my photography journey this year..... 

Day 294 :: After church photo opp with my sis 

Day 295 :: Practicing in photography class 

Day 296 :: Blast from the past 

Day 297 :: Last night of Photog Basics
with treats courtesy of one of my classmates
{Color Your Word :: Brown}

Day 298 :: Allume {blogging conference} Reunion 
with some of my favorite bloggy chicks

Day 299 :: "You know you are at a blogging conference when...." 

Day 300 :: All our amazing speakers!!

Day 301 :: A quick photo session on my way
home from Allume

Day 302(1) :: Arno & Patches checking out the 
beginning of Hurricane Sandy 

Day 302(2) :: Arno mimicking the weather reporters
Not quite the same effect without tumbling waves
behind him, right?
But still funny!!

Day 303 :: A little after effect of Hurricane Sandy
{Color Your World :: Brown}

 Day 304 :: A large branch fell off of my neighbors' tree
barely missing their house

Day 305 :: King of the Hill
{Color Your World :: Brown}

this Scripture, meaningful to me in my high school days, defines some lessons the Lord was teaching me at Allume this year.

Day 306 :: A sunset drive home

I'm on a journey, chronicling my life with a picture a day for a year. I am nearing the end of my journey and have consistently discovered the world around me in my day-to-day life in a uniquely different way as well as learned more about my DSLR to better capture those precious moments. 

{Update: Currently taking a couple of photography classes 
with my sister this fall 2012...very exciting!}

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