The ill-tempered wind whips through me leaving my body filled with chills in its wake. The fallen leaves crunches conspicuously beneath my feet reminding me that I walk among the dying.
The scene around me steals my breath again and again with its sighing sorrow.
And yet thrills continue to shoot throughout my being as I take shot after shot of this broken, aging maiden, giving her best before she breathes her last.
What is it that draws me into the death,
the brokenness,
the sorrow,
the pain?
This beauty
This passion
in the face of certain doom,
she yet gives her best, her very best,
seemingly thinking nothing of herself,
but only of the fragrance to the world that her life,
and yes,
even her death bring.
She is not like Spring, whose vibrance and luster for life is contagious and infectious, holding promise, newness, redemption. Her beauty is not simply from the desire for life; it is from the living of that life. The joys, the laughter, the wonder, and even the heart breaks and tragedies.
Autumn knows what is to come.
Her wisdom flows from her breezes, her branches, her heartsong singing ballads of days gone by.
But yet....
She faces it bravely, putting on her most royal robes as a sign, not of surrender, but of purpose, of destiny.
She has surrendered.
She has fought the good fight.
She has kept the faith.
She has finished the race.
For now....
Only for now...
She reminds me to walk bravely into the desert, the winter, the quiet places
She opens my eyes to the beauty unseen in the dying.
The beauty that one can only see when brokenness became your anthem, your mantra, your identify.
But you survive....
Proverbs 31:25 says,
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

I just want to sit with the images that you have created . . .
And savor them.
Simply beautiful.
Beautiful. I love this way of looking at autumn.
Absolutely beautiful!!!
I have always loved fall best. I love your words,"she faces it bravely, putting on her most royal robes as a sing, not of surrender, but of purpose, of destiny."
Thanks for linking up!
I love fall. I love the colors, the coolnes of the air, the coming of Christmas. Your words here, and your pictures, are just beautiful. Yes, there IS beauty in the dying.
Oh, fall is definitely me. The weather, the colors. Our home is decked in fall all year round. The part that hit home was how she gives her very best in the face of doom and thinks nothing of herself. It felt like she doesn't even have to think about it. It comes naturally...flows naturally and so her fragrance in living and dying is sweet.
"The beauty that one can only see when brokenness became your anthem, your mantra, your identify."
What a great picture of seeing God's purpose in every season of life!
Thanks for sharing.
this is absolutely beautiful...lovely weaved the pictures with your words...
Blessed Thanksgiving
Thanks, has been quite a road to get my eyes to SEE that...
Me too! SO my favorite season...just gorgeous!! I am learning to be like her...allowing HIS grace to flow naturally through me...not easy but only by His grace...
Thank you, Denise...there is indeed. There is indeed.
Me too! Absolute FAV season! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thank you, Debbie!
Thanks, Amy! I am constantly rediscovering myself...
Oh, thank you, Meredith...what precious words to this writer's soul.
fall as an aging maiden...lovely! just lovely.
I really love this! So much to ponder. Thank you.
festive and beautiful imagery, well done.
The photos are gorgeous, the one of the birch trees is my favourite.
Thank you very much....blessed day to you too!
Thank you, Tara! She is indeed!
Thank you, Kim....I love that!
Thank you much. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you...I love that you like that one...different from the rest! Happy Thanksgiving!
"this broken, aging maiden..." you capture her spirit magnificently friend.
Thank you...she has truly become a friend...
Found your blog via Jenn Camp--- loved pokin' around for a bit!! (I am a mom of a young, budding, amazing mk girl). I loved that we basically wrote the same blog--- you just a bit more beautifully! But, a kindred heart, I have found in you.
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