When I got home and I saw this BIG box on my front step, I could hardly contain the excitement. I had been looking forward to my (in)spired deals review product for awhile, and I just knew that THIS was it!!
I couldn't wait to open it up. I mean, you know what you picked out online and how it looks, but it isn't quite the same as getting the package in your hands and discovering your new gift.
I slowly, with sheer the anticipation of a child, pulled out my special prize, and to my surprise it was heavier and taller than I expected, but in a totally I-love-this-and-can't-wait-to-find-out-where-in-the-house-this-would-look-best way!!
To live with joy is to see God's goodness
The quote circled on the rim seemed to speak simply and poetically of the dynamic of my life these past few years -- a travel-weary journey of {RE}discovery to find His heart, a well-worn path of {RE}newing the joy of my salvation, and a life-altering transformation to {RE}focus my eyes to be one with His grace.
We are moving soon {within our current town}, so I am not sure where in our home this latest treasure will come to reside. However, I do know that this strong & constant reminder to
LOOK for His joy,
SEEK His peace,
and FIND His grace
will continue to lead me on the path of KNOWing His heart.
Gratitude - a feeling of thankfulness or appreciation, as for gifts or favours;
the state of feeling grateful
#286 - spending a whole week with my best friend
#287 - seeing Baltimore from the "top of the world"
#288 - floating around on our own dragon
#289 - having late night talks about the silly and serious
#290 - hanging out with my long time youth group friend at her home
#291 - taking pics with my new DSLR WITH my BFF
#292 - finding sorrow, resilience, & hope in the Holocaust Memorial
#293 - romping around DC - Lincoln, Georgetown, White House, Capital -- beautiful at night
#294 - finding AH-MA-ZING shopping deals
#295 - discovering THE boots that I have been looking for for 2 YEARS
{I kind have a boot obsession}
#296 - spending the day with my love watching one of our favorite movie series
#297 - {RE}discovering His heart in community at church today
#298 - seeing Fall again this year through new eyes...new lenses
#299 - growing stronger in my body day-by-day
#300 - finding myself again and again through His grace
I have joined The Gratitude Community -- a place to be inspired by others and what God is doing in their lives, a chance to share my own journey of gratitude, and an opportunity to REMEMBER to be grateful in ALL things. So on Mondays, I will add to my list of 1000 gifts of all the graces God has provided in my life. Would you consider joining me? Even if you don't blog, you can join the gratitude community by starting a gratitude journal, mentionning your gifts on Facebook, or sending e-mails to your friends. Let's work together to help in creating a more thankful, joyous world!!
And now to the giveaway!!
Did you think I forgot??
Want a $20 gift certificate to DaySpring Online?
You could use it towards a Wooden Pedestal like mine OR if you use it before November 30th you could apply it towards the beautiful canvases that are already marked down by 30% OR get a fun tote bag at the special deal of Buy ONE, Get ONE FREE {I ordered a couple of my own..and they are SO CUTE!!}
Leave a comment sharing things you are thankful for and/or where you have specifically chosen joy and seen God's goodness in return.
You can also tweet and/or share on Facebook for extra entries.
Just leave an extra comment for each to let me know you did!
You do not have to be a blogger to win so ALL are welcome to sign up!! Please just make sure that I have an e-mail address for you so that I can notify you if you win.
Oh and even if you don't win, you can use the code TABLE50 {during November only} at checkout to get 50% off of the above Pedestal or the beautiful Wooden Caddy {that I am seriously thinking of getting myself!!}
Giveaway ends Black Friday at Midnight EST!
Just in time to do some weekend shopping online!

DaySpring provided me with the wooden pedestal for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
That's just so pretty! I counted to 1000 with Ann, and the practice changed my life. So thankful God loves this gray-haired old woman enough to continue to invite me into deeper knowledge of and love for him. Just started a women's Sunday School class and talked about my experience in counting the gifts. Hoping others will take the dare. Thanks for the invite to enter the giveaway. Blessings to you.
OH! you got the pedestal! so jealous and happy for you! yay =) i can't enter to win since i got the silver wear carrier, but fun to see the one you got =)
I am constantly reminded that God's thoughts have never ever been my thoughts and His Ways have never been my ways. Learning to open my eyes and heart to Hear from Him and sit still long enough to learn from Him has been my recent "LOVEJOY".
I always thought music was going to be Gods WAY through me. It wasn't until I stopped 'hoarding ' my gift that I was able to let other creative notions break out. And that has been the "Gift" of Couponing. I loved learning. And I enjoy teaching its life changing attributes to others...its as dear as sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Obedience is always tied into something bigger .
Such a beautiful pedestal! I'm so thankful the kids are out of school this week. It's so nice to have them home more!
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/jenprice77/status/138652914930561024
I have chosen joy (in an extended chronic illness flare) by blogging the journey and continuing the gift counting. God has been so good to bring readers that have become friends. The pedestal is beautiful. God be with you in your move.
Blessed Thanksgiving to you!
Beautiful, Lindsey! (Don't enter me, I ALSO got the pedestal ;) But I just wanted to say 'hi' and how much I enjoyed your post!
Visiting from Multitudes on Mondays...
Lovely post and fabulous list of gifts!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving...
I am thankful for you, chica! Hope all is well... email coming your way.
I'm thankful for a huge box of maternity clothes hand-me-downs.
I'm thankful for you too :) I'm still astounded by what a gift it was to attend Relevant, and even though I would've loved to talk with you more than I did, your sweet spirit will always resonate in my memories. Hugs to you, girly!
I am thankful for many things, but I love that through the internet I can keep up with amazing people I would have otherwise lost contact with, like you! I love reading your blog and being able to follow your journey.
Hi Linds -
Thankful for God's faithfulness and reminders of the joy of His salvation. Thankful for my best friend (smile) and the wonderful, fun, zany times we shared over the last week. Thankful for the military and the service of so many brave men and women serving! So thankful for my dragon ride!
I'm thankful for employment in a great job.
I love packages! Thanks for sharing with NOBH.
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