by Tumelo Tk Masilo

Is it the mere fact that tear reveals an inside wound that plaster can't cover?
Or a breaking of the heart that affects every fibre of your being,
Could it be a seperation from the ideal to what you actually seeing.
Or does it go deeper to where a heart yearns for healing satisfaction that can't be found by sporatic moments
A movement of the heart that causes a forceful movement of change
Or is it just a feeling of being estranged?
Should I cry to prove I am mere man?
Should tears flow to show I possibly stand on sinking sand?
Surely not so, for I have been promised that hope in Him does not dissappoint
So as I am patient in tribulation, rejoicing in Him and continuing steadfastly in prayer
I will be flambouyant
For the world is moved by bravery
And only to God, do I give my cry
Deep! love it Ps. Lindsey
I like it, Lyns! Keep writing!!
I like it, Lyns! Keep writing!!
Deep! love it Ps. Lindsey
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