Wow! I am now halfway through my journey/project on HOPE and I have picked up some interesting nuggets of truth along the way....
1) Days 1-5 were the hardest. Just like a diet, a fast, a exercise program, or developing any new habit, the first few days or week are generally the ones where you want to throw in the towel, where the temptations seems incredibly overwhelming. BUT, if you can make it through that first HUGE mountain, the rewards are quite promising.
2) When you look for hope, you will find it. I never thought that I would find enough angles & thoughts to write about for 30 days and some days although I am so tired, because I have made this decision to write daily, I look for pieces/images/people of hope throughout my day, and to my utter joy, I find it. The journey itself has created hope!!
3) Sharing with YOU in my journey makes me want to learn lessons. This point is sort of loaded because sometimes the lessons are costly and expenseive. However, there is something about sharing your experiences and your lessons with someone else that give purpose to the process, even on the hard days; power to the words, even when words fail; and HOPE to the future, even when it seems cloudy or bleak.
So thanks for joining me on this journey....I pray that you are touched and blessed and maybe pick up a truth here or there...I know am! Please feel free to share anything from your own journey that we could all learn from. Love to hear your thoughts!
1) Days 1-5 were the hardest. Just like a diet, a fast, a exercise program, or developing any new habit, the first few days or week are generally the ones where you want to throw in the towel, where the temptations seems incredibly overwhelming. BUT, if you can make it through that first HUGE mountain, the rewards are quite promising.
2) When you look for hope, you will find it. I never thought that I would find enough angles & thoughts to write about for 30 days and some days although I am so tired, because I have made this decision to write daily, I look for pieces/images/people of hope throughout my day, and to my utter joy, I find it. The journey itself has created hope!!
3) Sharing with YOU in my journey makes me want to learn lessons. This point is sort of loaded because sometimes the lessons are costly and expenseive. However, there is something about sharing your experiences and your lessons with someone else that give purpose to the process, even on the hard days; power to the words, even when words fail; and HOPE to the future, even when it seems cloudy or bleak.
So thanks for joining me on this journey....I pray that you are touched and blessed and maybe pick up a truth here or there...I know am! Please feel free to share anything from your own journey that we could all learn from. Love to hear your thoughts!
Life is not the destination but the journey.
Life is not made up of the moments we live, but the moments that take our breath away.

Congratulations for completing half of your "30 Days of Hope" blog entries! I know they have been enjoyed and inspirational....I, for one, have received benefit. Keep sharing your journey with us. Keep writing. Your transparency is refreshing and instructional.
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