Paul was a pretty incredible man, right? The trials he faced were many and yet he could write these powerful words. Trials develop endurance which develops character which strengthens our HOPE!
Interesting....confusing....trials make us hope more??
I don't think I am where Paul was in his understanding of the Father when he wrote these words...not even close....but I find encouragement in them.
For Paul to even have the wisdom to write such powerful words means his suffering had to be great or else he wouldn't have known what it was to hope, to believe, to know how loved he was by the Father.
Honestly, this is like an oxymoron for me. Pain to have hope? Trials to see love? It is the paradox of our God, I believe, and He never asks of us what He didn't do. Living to die...dying to give's the core of who HE is and who we are as followers of Jesus.
Today I am encouraged by WHO my God is. THAT is where I find my hope.

Couldn't agree more. I don't always understand, nor get why life goes the way it does, but with all the things Paul went through (many that i can't even imagine) he knew that God was faithful. For each trial he knew would have another milestone to look back on and give him hope for the current situation. Now if only i can remember to look back on God's past faithfulness myself when things go a little crazy!
The NKJ version says that God gives you the grace to glory in tribulation, like Paul and Silas worshiping God, which leads to the jailer and his whole family getting saved!
Thanks, guys, for your encouragement and words of wisdom too! Love that we can challenge and help each other on this journey....
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