I want to write REAL words.
Words that wield challenge and encouragement.
Words that pour grace and restoration.
Words that offer healing and renewal.
Words that transport you to a place in time filled with wonder or sorrow.
Words that inspire.....
What are these tools....these words....these gifts....these curses.....these blessings?
The power that they hold.
The impact of their weight.
The reach of their ripple.
How can one sift and measure accurately these tools given to us by the Master Himself?
Are they not gifts to be poured out freely?
Are they not treasures to be shared?
Are they not instruments in harmony at an orchestra in which beauty or sorrow can be played?
Therefore, I choose....
...to yield these precious morsels back into His hands....
....asking Him to sift the chaff and bring forth the wheat....
There I find joy...
There I find peace...
There I find TRUE rest...
...as once again, my life falls into the rhythms of His grace....
Psalm 91
1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him.
3 For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease.
4 He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

Linking up today with:
Amanda at:

I love this...it made me feel all filled up with peace.
Beautifully written! Stopping by from Mama Kat's.
I am so glad you stopped by my blog....especially since it led me to yours! :) This is a beautiful post. Like you I am in awe of the power of words.
I haven't had a chance to explore your sight yet but I am going to do that soon! I couldn't help but notice you grew up in Haiti. My husband just left today for a mission trip in the Dominican Republic. Funny how God crossed our paths today!
Beautiful poetry with prose intermixed.
Most of all, I think grace is a beautiful word that is such a part of rest. Thank you for serving this up today.
btw, loved hearing your rest thoughts on Faith Barista too!
Hi! Just stopping by to join your jam session!
Wonderful post. I second your desire to reach the world with words!
Just love those verses in Psalms. Beautiful!
I love that Grace is where we find rest!
very lovely, and inspiring. New gfc and I am stopping by from Mama Kat's Workshop :)
Beautifully written...
We must have been thinking the same thing. :) http://ourhomeschoolreviews.blogspot.com/2011/03/giants-in-our-lives.html
Beautiful words and picture! Did you take the picture with the cross in it? What a wonderful photo! Thank you for linking this inspiring post up to NOBH!
Lovely post . . .
Falling into the rhythms of His grace...how beautiful and refreshing.
Well said ... and thanks for sharing the beautiful psalm and photo, too!
Absolutely beautiful!!!
You found the right and real words! Thanks for this beautiful post, my new doppelganger. :) I'm really looking forward to getting to know you!
Great post...I don't think there are any better "grace-filled" words than His. :) Thanks for sharing!
It is so interesting how each us bloggers find our voice through the written word. Yours speaks beautifully.
Making a late stop from Mama Kat's.
It is so interesting how each us bloggers find our voice through the written word. Yours speaks beautifully.
Making a late stop from Mama Kat's.
@Dysfunctional Mom Oh..wow...thank you! That warms my heart!
Thanks so much! That means a lot and I appreciate you stopping by.
Wow! I think it is so cool how God "hooks us up" in the blogosphere. How did your husband like his trip?
@Bonnie Gray Wow! Thanks, Bonnie! I never thought I could write anything that sounded poetic, so what a beautiful compliment. Rest has been a HUGE part of grace for me, especially in this past year.
@Our Homeschool Reviews I love how God connects the hearts of His daughters across the miles....
Thanks so much! Yes....before my husband and I moved from South Africa, we took a trip to Cape Town and I took this picture there. Such a beautiful spot!
@Renee Ann
Thank you for warming my heart with your words...
@Jeri@GodsDreamsForMe Thank you...you are right! His grace IS so refreshing.
Thanks so much, Melissa! I appreciate you stopping by
Thank you so much, Lynda!
Just the fact that you used the word "doppelganger" makes me KNOW that we are SO kindred spirits. LOL! I am also looking forward to getting to know you better too! Thanks for popping over and for the comment love.
@Amanda @ Serenity Now So...so...so...sooooo.....SO true! I am flooded with thanks for HIS grace so often.
@Ilana @ mommyshorts I know, right? I love to see the creativity that others come up with in the blogosphere. It inspires and challenges me. And thanks for coming by...better late than never right? I mean...I am like a week late responding to my comments so...it's all grace, hey?! :)
It is so interesting how each us bloggers find our voice through the written word. Yours speaks beautifully.
Making a late stop from Mama Kat's.
Beautifully written! Stopping by from Mama Kat's.
Beautifully written...
Hi! Just stopping by to join your jam session!
Wonderful post. I second your desire to reach the world with words!
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