"We'll never grow to spiritual maturity until we learn to do what's
right even when it feels wrong." [Joyce Meyers]

"Character is NEVER built in the classroom,
it's built in the circumstances of life."
[Michael & Bonnie Fehlauer]

"God brings men into deep waters not to drown them, but to cleanse them." [Augury]

"Adversity has the same effect on us as training has on a boxer:
it reduces us to our fighting weight." [Josh Billings]

Love the pics and the quotes....especially seeing my momma's hands....Thanks, Lindsey, for capturing that for ME.
@Beverly Brumbley Thanks, Mom! I thought you would really enjoy that one! ;) I have really been taking a lot of pictures again lately so I try to use my own pics on here instead of searching for others.
Found you on NOBH and now following hope you will follow back:) Great pictures did you take them. I really liked the ocean one, and the wood one. Mom's hands were nice too.
@The Adventurer Thanks so much! Yes, I took all of them. I have been experimenting more recently with photography again. Great to have you popping by!
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