Sunday, March 13, 2011

You are NOT Abandoned!

"I write so that no one feels abandoned."

What a powerful statement! This is the bio statement for Audra Krell's Twitter account.

I cannot stop pondering these simple words. They resonate in my mind. My heart keeps pounding with the intensity of their meaning.

"I write so that no one feels abandoned."

What if I approached everything in my life this way?

"I sing so that people have comfort in their pain."

"I laugh so that the world around me could be filled with JOY."

"I live so that my life testifies of Someone greater than me."

"I write so that no one feels abandoned."

Can my reasons for writing be summed up in the simplistic beauty of these precious words?

I write because I must. Right? I am a writer. Correct?
Do I have to have a greater meaning than this?
Do I have to qualify and justify my work, my reasons, my desires, my passions?

A writer's soul begs to be poured out, ink to paper, strokes to screen, weaving the story of life...the ebb & the flow...the agony intermingled with victories.

But is "my soul my own"? as Rachel Lynde of Anne of Green Gables was wont to call it. Am I the writer of my own story?

I KNOW I am not....

And yet....

"I write so that no one feels abandoned"

......continues to resound in my head.

It's the heart of the Father God. He couldn't stand the separation. He couldn't stand the divide that kept Him from the intimacy into which He had created us. He HAD to make a way.

And I am sure that there are many ways in which He could have saved the world, and yet, He didn't want us to be alone, to be abandoned in our humanity, in our sinful world & nature, so He sent the best of His love for us -- His one and only Son.

In Him, through Him, He could truly understand the true depth of our aloneness and then He took it further. For in the moment when the sin of the world was taken upon Him, the Father...HIS Father HAD to turn His face away because He could not look at the sin so heavily weighed upon His Beloved. In THAT moment, Jesus KNEW abandonment. Jesus knew loneliness. Jesus knew pain. He KNEW like many of us will NEVER know because He ransomed us. He REDEEMED {there's my word} us!

He...Jesus died to save us from an eternity of separation.

He died so no one would BE abandoned.


asliceofsmithlife said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your last paragraph and especially your words "He KNEW like many of us will NEVER know because He ransomed us." In our human minds it's difficult to fully comprehend the love of our Father and how much His Son endured for our salvation, but I am grateful for the grace to believe in his life, death, and resurrection. Thank you for sharing another beautiful post on NOBH! :)

Audra Krell said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Lindsey, So grateful to connect with you. What a lovely post, thank you for expanding on the truth that God has never left us and He is the one who will never, ever abandon us. LOVED the lines about how deeply Jesus knew abandonment, glory to God for the thoughts He gives to us. You are a wonderful writer. Every blessing as you continue to live for Him. (LOVE your header too. Great blog!)

Renee said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely post!

Lindsey V said... Best Blogger Tips

@Tracy You are right! So hard to comprehend...hard to even think on for very long without just a weight....and then, I remember....if not for grace...

@Audra Krell
What a precious compliment from the person who inspired this post in the first place! Thank you! I appreciate the encouragement! Your words inspired me and the Holy Spirit led...the rest....history...

@Renee Ann Thanks so much, Renee!

Renee Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely post!

Audra Krell said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Lindsey, So grateful to connect with you. What a lovely post, thank you for expanding on the truth that God has never left us and He is the one who will never, ever abandon us. LOVED the lines about how deeply Jesus knew abandonment, glory to God for the thoughts He gives to us. You are a wonderful writer. Every blessing as you continue to live for Him. (LOVE your header too. Great blog!)

J Murray said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Lindsay,I enjoy your blog ,its so discrptive ,pure and honest, love the pics too. I smile and weep with the honest freedom you feel to express truth, I cry with your pain and laugh at your childlike ways,  To this day I remembered your teaching on teh Blood one easter
love judy murray (was at 3c alberton)

lindseyfoj said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, Judy! It warms my heart to see your words here in this space. You have encouraged my heart more than I can describe! Thank you! Love and blessings to you....

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