So here goes.....

I take a deep breath today, this week, this month filled with emotions and chaos and bliss.
I take a deep breath as I watch my sister finalize her last assignment -- the gallery walk -- before she receives her master's degree next week. She has come so far. Wasn't this the little girl who HATED school? Look at her now!
I take a deep breath as my "spiritual niece" walks across the stage to receive her diploma for finishing her associate's degree. Wasn't it just yesterday that she finished high school, and I sat in these same chairs cheering her on? Deep breath. WoW! She has come so far.
I take a deep breath as one of my beautiful "Timothy" girls preparing to say, "I Do" tomorrow. Can this really be real? I remember teaching her how to look up Scriptures in the Bible and whether to wear pads or tampons, and how to have a little more of the character of Jesus each day, even through my mistakes. She has come so far.
Deep Breath.
Breathing deeply of these moments that are riddled with emotions threatening to break through my carefully constructed walls of decorum.
Deep Breath....and cry!
Just breathing today....
Won't you please join me and share your 5 minutes today??
ah beautiful moments to breathe in deep.
I LOVE THIS! It is exactly what I need. Tomorrow I have knee surgery and have been anxiety filled all day. BREATHE! 5 minutes and BREATHE. There. Much better. Just think - soon I can run again!
Sounds like a busy week and a deep breath is just what's needed! I often try to tell myself to also take deep breaths frequently.
ah beautiful moments to breathe in deep. was...and now happy that I can take a deep breath and relax tomorrow after TWO busy action-packed weeks!!
Mona, how did your knee surgery go? How is your recovery process coming along?
Yes! I have read about taking deep breaths for health purposes. I try to remind myself of that and breath from my abdomen! Cleansing breaths!! anyone?? :)
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