But tonight....I am just going to go for it....tired brain and body and all. Let's see what 5 minutes right now will bring. The ironic thing in my decision is the topic....
On Forgetting...{smile...NOT forgetting isn't as easy when you are tired, right? Oh well! Here goes!!!}
Remembering has always been important to me.
As a child, I wanted to count the days until I would see my extended family again. I didn't want to forget how much time had lapsed or how much time was left to wait. I would keep track of when I wrote which friend and family member on a little chart I developed as well as when they would write me back. I didn't want to forget when I wrote them or who I wrote.
I loved the database program that I worked with the past 8 years at both churches that I worked at because I could keep track of my conversations with members & disciples so that when I talked to them again, especially those I didn't know as well or whose faces I had never seen, I could remember and ask, "How did your knee surgery go?" or "Your little boy must be about 5 months old now." I wanted to remember.
Now, I take pictures....almost obsessively....I want to remember. I want to remember my grandmother's laugh, my mother's hands, my husband's eyes. I want to remember the day at the beach, the way she looked on her wedding day, the moment just before we all burst into laughter.
I love the details. I love the knowing each other. I love living life TOGETHER.
I don't want to forget.
Won't you join me and link up your 5 minutes??

My eye doctor did that. I appreciated it. It made me feel like "I" was important, not just my eye exam. It's nice that you want to document that kind of personal information. Because, well, it's person-al. :D Nice post.
Treasuring things in our hearts like Mary did of Jesus . . .so thankful for camera's too!
Enjoyed reading!
Great post!! Remembering the details...it's what makes life grand! It's great that you try to remember the details for other's lives as well. :)
I think pictures, writing {and spreadsheets!} are a great way to capture memories and to help remember the details of life!
I love the idea of remembering when others wrote to you, and when you wrote back... I should try it! Thank you for sharing with us - I love how you treasure people in your life. It's inspiring!
Wow...so many good posts today! Yours tugged my heart...especially "I want to remember my grandma's smile."
Me too...so Thursday when I go with her to the cardiologist, I will bring my camera!
Thank you love.
Hi Lindsey my BloggyLand friend! I appreciated your warm welcome back to Five MInute Friday on my blog and your words of encouragement today! Then I came here and was further encouraged by your love for the people around you. I'm inspired too, to try and do a better job of holding on to details.
Bless you!
I love pictures for this very reason! I try to make association of things I want to remember with where we were or what we were wearing to remember. I think it's so important to remember things.
I love pictures for this very reason! I try to make association of things I want to remember with where we were or what we were wearing to remember. I think it's so important to remember things.
I love the idea of remembering when others wrote to you, and when you wrote back... I should try it! Thank you for sharing with us - I love how you treasure people in your life. It's inspiring!
Great post!! Remembering the details...it's what makes life grand! It's great that you try to remember the details for other's lives as well. :)
I bet it's so encouraging to others when you've remembering something about your last conversation with them and can follow up on it. What a gift!
That is awesome! I love when my doctors do that! I like the feeling that I am a person and not just a paycheck to them!
And thanks! Appreciate you stopping by!
I like that comparison to Mary with Jesus! Precious visual!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks! I love when people do that for me -- pay attention to the details! It makes me feel valued and special!
AGREED! I have enjoyed starting my blog in the past year as well as rediscovering my love for photography!
Thanks! LOL! I was QUITE "anal" about it as a kid/teenager. It was like a little handwritten spreadsheet...so funny! But it worked for me, and it helped me to keep track and feel connected to family and friends far away as an MK.
Awww...so glad something I said could inspire you to capture your moments/loved ones too! I love that! Would love to see one of your grandma when you get it this week! Will you post it on your blog?
Yes! I always love coming across you in this blog world! I love to picture you, your hubby, and your precious girls living in England, and I always wonder how you are doing and how you are adjusting! I know living away from family can be challenging!
Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement!
YES! Me too! I like appreciating the little things...makes life have more value for me!
Thanks, Caroline! Definitely helped to have the database to write things down. I am afraid I haven't been as diligent the past few months! :(
I really appreciate you stopping by and for your help in turning me on to the Disqus/Blogger marriage! :)
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