On Friday.
One of my favorite times of the week.
Hope you enjoy it along with me.
This week's topic......JOY
"You are my JOY."
That is what my granny used to say to me.
It's funny because I cannot really remember why or how or when it started exactly, but I remember FEELING that in my heart.
I knew it was true.
Joy was my friend, my anthem, my song.
My mom had taught us, "The joy of the Lord is your strength" and "Praise Him in all things."
But never was that joy tested so harshly as in the trials of the past few years.
Chronic Health Issues.
Life-altering Earthquake.
Cross-Continental Moving.
Sabbatical from Full Time Ministry.
Where is joy now?
Where is that peace and love and desire to just sing and serve and simply BE with Jesus?
Oh how I always loved to be with Jesus...from the time I was a little girl.
And then...
Joy left.
She was my friend, my constant companion, my security, my rest.
I pause as I write because I know that she was my gift - not only for myself, but also to the world.
And that made the enemy mad.
He threw "the kitchen sink" at me....
and eventually....
I gave in.
And joy seemed GONE. FOR. GOOD.
And yet, I know she is not.
We may be like the prodigal and his father trying to find their way back to each other, but I know she isn't far. She is there calling my name - like deep calls to deep the Bible says.
And I realize...when we find each other again.
Oh what a reunion!!!
Then, I think, I will understand her a little better...hopefully a lot better.
I'm looking for you again, Joy....can't wait to see you soon!
I've missed ya.
Okay so I went a little over 5 minutes today, but I really wanted to share my heart in this because well....I must.
I must.
Would you like to read some more 5 minute posts about joy or maybe link up yourself? You'd be so welcome!!
Hop on over to The Gypsy Mama...I promise....it will warm your heart....and your lips! ;-)

You are so right. The gift of joy is not only for us, but for all the world. No wonder the enemy tries to steal it, and no wonder we need to hold onto it with everything we have. In our joy, we find our strength and help the world find theirs, too.
I know you will find yours. It sounds like you are not too far away. :-)
Great post-
I hear your heart, Lindsey, and you have warmed mine. Bllessings to you and yours.
I pray that you will find joy and that your joy will be made full.
Also, I'm so glad to know that you went over 5 minutes too. Makes me not feel so bad for going over the time limit myself.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment.
Wow... I don't know you, have never even heard of your blog until today, in fact, with this linkup, but it's truly just what I needed. It's me, plain and simple.
I'm now following you. Thank you for taking the time (overtime even! LOL) to share this.
Hi! :D This is my first time here... and I LOVE your blog!!! I love your post... and I pray you find your friend, joy, again very soon, and never leave her. She may be at your neighbors house, or hiding inside your husband! ;o
OK, enough jibberish. Wishing you well,
PS I would love to travel! I'm glad you have had such a blessing!
Corine :D
Thanks, Stacy, and I really appreciate your encouragement! Thanks for stopping by, too!
Aww...Andrea, I am so glad!
LOL...yeah..I try to stick to the 5 but if making the point means I go over a bit...I don't sweat it anymore! And..yes..God is renewing my joy daily in ways hard to explain!
LOL! I love your fanciful talk! Makes me happy!
Oh, I am SO glad, Shari! Sorry I am only responding now! I am going to pop over and visit you though! I am glad this post spoke to your heart...
LOl :D ...cool! That just makes my day!!!! Here's to many more moments of happiness!!!! :D
Corine :D
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