Six years ago today, I was getting prepared.
Chatter, busyness, & movement surrounded me as hair & makeup were fine tuned to perfection.
Friends and family ran around like busy bees making last minute touches on flowers and food.
Decorators, photographers, coordinators busied themselves making sure their jobs were complete.

And me??
The girl who had the MAJOR meltdown the day before???
I sat in the midst of it all basking in the joyous knowledge
that TODAY was the day....

.....MY DAY.....
My prince had come.
In fact, the calmness that surrounded me caused my sister to question,
"Did someone slip a little pill into your drink this morning?"
And I could only laugh.
The process had been a whirlwind.
Arno came to America on April 16th.
We began our courtship on May 3rd.
He asked me to spend the rest of our lives together on May 28th.
And today, September 3rd,
4 months after we acknowledged that we were "in LIKE",
I could not wait to say, "I DO."
I wish I could adequately describe the transformation that took over me.
The best word to describe it.....
I knew that God was showing His love for me in our union, and not because being single in God's eyes is preferrable to being married - NO! I have never believed that. There are seasons...oh I KNOW that there are seasons....
But the reason that I knew that God chose through Arno to radically display His love was because of.....ARNO!
My Father knows me.
He knows what I need.
and even things that I "just" desire....
He answered EVERY SINGLE heart cry and longing in my soul mate.
and even some that I didn't {gotta love that South African accent ;-)}
I wrote that to Arno, not long after I realized that he was The One.....
"The reason that I am blessed is not because I am 'getting married' but because God gave me the treasure of YOU - YOU are the blessing!"
I still feel that way, and I am just SO thankful...
I mean when I a guy, knowing that you are a WORDS girl, and that is not his #1 strength takes the time to write this for you just this past Valentine's.....
If we measure my love for you by the water in the ocean, the cup would be half full.
All the light shining from the sun won't be able to light up the amount of love I have for you.
My love for you stands firm against all the tornadoes put together.
Compared to the earth my love for you is the glue that keeps every piece of sand connected to each other.
My love for you is the shine in gold, the sparkle in a diamond, and the red in a ruby.
So we come to the final conclusion that my love for you is greater than all the elements on earth!
I love you so much!!!!
Will you please be my Valentine?
Well, need I say more?
I think I'll keep him!
Happy Anniversary! Love the Valentine!
Such lovely words, one for another ! You are both blessed beyond measure. Happy Anniversary !
so happy....a bit teary eyed at just how much god has blessed you with! =)
Happy Anniversary, my children! Isn't it beautiful how God ordained that a boy from South Africa and a girl from Haiti should join to change the world? May His blessings continue to reign down on your lives! You both are shining lights of His Love. I love you!
Absolutely beautiful! Only Arno and I understand why I asked you what I did on your wedding It was a wonderful day......and your love continues to shine! Love you both!
LOL! I KNOW I have always been thankful that it was JUST you two here during my meltdown! :-)
I LOVE IT! Thanks, Mom! Love you too!
Oh, girl! One day your prince will come....and the story is going to take OUR collective breaths away...I JUST KNOW IT!
Thanks, Carole! I really appreciate it!
Thank you so much, Jen!
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