Day 43 :: Spring Blooms + Winter Snows = Sprinter ;-)
Okay maybe not....but it is kind of beautiful!
Day 44 :: I found a local store down the road from
where I work in small town Eldorado.
I had a yummy homemade chicken salad sandwich!

Day 45 :: Valentine's Day with my baby
dinner at Cactus Taverna AND watching The Vow

Day 46 :: A REAL life glimpse - I struggle sleeping so
I have a pink eye mask to help block out the light or distractions.
So at 1:30 am, filled with energy, THIS randomness happened!
It had been QUITE disheveled since the busyness of
the holiday season but I am delighted to see it back in order!

Day 48 :: An art exhibit evening with my sis. We were
inspired to create our own "photog" art.

Day 49 :: Jake Ray's Star Wars birthday party
I'm on a journey to chronicle my life with a picture a day for a year. I hope to discover the world around me in my day-to-day life in a uniquely different way as well as learn more about my DSLR to better capture those precious moments. Linking up with my friend Paige and others who are taking this challenge too.
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