I felt clogged and overwhelmed and I heard the voices of Lisa-Jo, Emily, and Mary like a mantra in my head, "Turn off the noise -- all the social media," "Set a timer," "Shut off the editor in your head."
So I did.
For 20 minutes.
I purged my soul.
I haven't posted those words here in this space yet. Honestly, I haven't even gone back and read them. I just needed to get it out. The hundreds and thousands of words that block my heart and soul to the point of complete distraction and....I just can't seem to take it anymore...
So I wrote out the deep, the marrow, the sacrifice of me.
And in this pilgrimage of trying, understanding, feeling, clawing my way through the murky waters, there is something deeper, something harder, something important that beckons to the deepest hurt, the loneliest pain, the hardest sorrow...
"Do you trust ME?"

On Fridays, I join with Lisa-Jo and these amazing word weavers who throw caution to the wind and just write, unedited, uncaged, unstoppable, for just 5 minutes. Have you every tried? You should join us! It will AMAZE you what comes out...even if you don't have a blog...even if YOU think YOU are not a writer....Will you take the plunge this week??
Oh Lindsey, I so understand this ~ both the need to write and the questions. I'm glad you had a chance to pour out your soul, and I know somehow you'll see how God met you in the middle of it all.
Blessings, sweet writer friend!
I get this Lindsey. I love this. I am feeling a word purge swelling in me. Praying I find time today to spill out. You are such a gem!! Praying for you today!
Just had a conversation with a friend about this yesterday, that sometimes what we write is more about the deep work God does in us than about writing the best blog post ever. You said it beautifully and how exciting to see God do this deep work in you.
Mmm. I saw your post about the writing... and my heart just yearned for something like that.
I have never done that before - - allowing myself the freedom to just write, without continuously editing myself.
Five minute fridays are about as close as I have gotten, and I don't think I have ever really let go of the reins complete except maybe once or twice. . .
It makes me wonder what I am afraid of.
You're struggling with your words, yourself on paper. I'm struggling with my comment. Only one question came to mind as I read this post: What's your answer--do you trust Him?
Human standards have deceived us into thinking that we trust only when our faith feels huge and don't trust when it feels microscopic; invisible to the naked eye. God's standard is much simpler. Either you do or you don't--it's not about "size". When you trust, regardless of how you feel, God works.
I'm praying for you today :)
Thanks for chatting yesterday, it really lifted my spirit and sent me to bed happy, feeling like someone heard and understood and believed me. I'm glad the words are coming out, however raw and primal they may be! I am very happy to have met you.
Oh, I pray you do too! You are such an inspiration via the #writenight. Thank you also for your prayers!
It's my pleasure. I know from my own experience how important, needed and valuable have someone who can simply understand and validate your heart. We do not have to be each other's Holy Spirit...just an instrument played out using the Father's heart. May we find this in our chats.
Oh wise Sabrina! I always appreciate your depth in this cyber world. It truly challenges me to think and understand myself and my journey even better. Thank you for validating me in those times where my trust seems small....your words encourage me deep...thank you for your prayers!
Oh! I hope you will try it...it was life for me in so many ways...enough to make me realize that I NEED more of it! As you said...it brings up those fears...and thus my question from the Father of my trust in Him...good stuff...unearthing those "things"
Thanks, Shelly! What a great way to put it! I think it is necessary at times to write for the sake of writing and being real and honest without polishing ourselves. I am learning....
Thank you for stopping by here today!
"...how God met you in the middle of it all." -- YES! THAT is so encouraging! Thank you, Jana!
I did that a few weeks ago and ended up with a couple pages of questions. It did feel good.
That's awesome, John! I think sometimes the questions in and of themselves are actually answers, even though they are actually questions. Does that make sense?
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