There is a factory filled with workers and at least a hundred floors. Everyone is busy constantly with important business to attend to. The moment a message arrive at the penthouse, the boss is screaming for the poor peon to already be on his way to the mail room with the next message.
Shouldn't you have been moving already?
When I told a girlfriend this in college, she said the boss in her mind would tell his bottom level worker to take a load off and have a drink.
I remember being in awe of such a mind.
A mind at rest
Or at the very least,
A mind that could SUCCESSFULLY choose rest and enjoy it.
The cacophony in my head resonates as a part of my being the same way as my heart cries for the oxygen it desperately needs.
And still He teaches me.
This Father of mine.
He is so gracious, so gentle with me.
He has to be
For I, left to my own devices am a taskmaster, seargant general commanding the troops relentlessly...
And somehow He gets that about me...He really understands me...He is acquainted with all my ways.
When I told a girlfriend this in college, she said the boss in her mind would tell his bottom level worker to take a load off and have a drink.
I remember being in awe of such a mind.
A mind at rest
Or at the very least,
A mind that could SUCCESSFULLY choose rest and enjoy it.
The cacophony in my head resonates as a part of my being the same way as my heart cries for the oxygen it desperately needs.
And still He teaches me.
This Father of mine.
He is so gracious, so gentle with me.
He has to be
For I, left to my own devices am a taskmaster, seargant general commanding the troops relentlessly...
And somehow He gets that about me...He really understands me...He is acquainted with all my ways.
And He daily, hourly, even minute-by-minute leads me beside still waters...

Wonder what this Five Minute Friday is all about? Here it is in the words of the creator of this precious space....
Hop over to Lisa-Jo's place and join in....come will not regret it...promise!!

Wonder what this Five Minute Friday is all about? Here it is in the words of the creator of this precious space....
"We finger paint with words.
We try to remember what it was like
to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Want to play Five Minute Friday? It’s easy peasy!"
Hop over to Lisa-Jo's place and join in....come will not regret it...promise!!
when I was younger, I never understood the "leads me beside still waters" ... surely, as the years crept on, and most def. when the babies latched on...oh, I learned the beauty of that still water. Lovely as always!
I found myself in this place this week... just a whole lot of clamoring going on up in this mind of mine.. but somehow, by grace... He finds a way to pull me close and calm my soul...
His way... the best way... blessings to you :)
And still he teaches me. This father of mine. Beautiful.
It is always a challenge to slow down and be lead beside still waters.
I am still in awe of those minds too. My husband has one. Everything is a learning process. Lovely story! I enjoyed your image of the factory.
Your image of brain factory was well said. My mind's constantly on the go too. That busyness is a special part of you, Lindsey, which God uses, blesses and uses to bless others :)
I love that image - and your search for peace within it. It's just beautiful. Thank you.
Mind my races... Which thought can get to the top floor first with the entire though intact! Whoa! I have had to train my brain to stop and breath (grab some of the oxygen cells you are talking about). I've gotten better over the years, thanks to the patience of the Lord but it is an ongoing process.... But then I didn't come to know the Lord until I was 27 - All those years before are a mindless blur! Ha! Have a wonderful weekend :)
Our minds sound a lot alike. Sitting still, quitting the rat race happening within feels as impossible as walking through wet cement. What a gift when we DO find the quiet peace, knowing that He 'gets' us. Blessings always, my friend.
Oh..I agree..only as I age and go through "things" does that "still waters" thing even make sense. Thank you for sharing your heart here with me!
Oh really ALL comes back to grace, right? I find the longer I live the MORE I realize how much and how often I need ALL the time...hahahaa..
Thanks for coming by!
A HUGE challenge for me...I truly am a WAY busy person in my head...I have to remind myself to stay in tune with the creative side, the depth, the places where He speaks to the ME.
I husband is like that too! It amazes me! Thank you for your kind words!
Thank you so much, Sabrina, for the way you turned this into a strentgth. That is a good reminder...I needed that!
Thank you, Hilary! I always appreciate your kind heart and heartfelt words.
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