Day 57 :: My sister came to "sit" with me as I was recovering
from that infamous stomach flu to take care of me and
make sure that I was not alone
Day 58 :: Pulled out more "things" to pack, so
Patches decided that she wanted to help

Day 59 :: The birds were singing beautifully and LOUDLY.
There were a plethora of them all over my yard, trees, and
neighbors' yards. This is just a little peek into some who
were trilling from the tree tops.

Day 60 :: It's amazing the beautiful things you can find when
you walk just steps outside of the door {except the church
which was next to our foster care training class}.
Day 61 :: I am so excited to be helping my friend Peni with
admin work once a month. She has her own hair studio now
attached to her home. I loved this picture of her and her son
with the clippings of her life work all around.
Day 62 :: Spent an evening with the Kinlaws
We were all watching Macy watch Elmo.
This is one of her "classic" faces.
Day 63 :: My 16 year old cuz, Michaela, performed in
"Bye, Bye, Birdie" in her school play.
I so enjoyed watching her shine!
I'm on a journey to chronicle my life with a picture a day for a year. I hope to discover the world around me in my day-to-day life in a uniquely different way as well as learn more about my DSLR to better capture those precious moments. Linking up with my friend Paige and others who are taking this challenge too.
A picture a day for a year!!! You go girl!! Looks like a great experiment :)
It has been a lot of fun! Thank you!
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